Monday, August 15, 2011

Beranda » , » 6 Things to Do with Mercury Retrograde in Leo

6 Things to Do with Mercury Retrograde in Leo

6. Give an abandoned cat a home.
This one is called Bean and he's staying with me.
Mercury the messenger shimmies backwards in Leo until the 27th, so you still have time to redo all those leonine things. Here are some suggestions.

1. Go see a revival of an old favourite at the theatre
2. Play a game that you used to enjoy as a child. You may find you want to take it up again.
3. Visit a beach you've been to before but have neglected. While you're there, build a sandcastle.
4. Have a (very brief) fling with a lifeguard. (If you get found out, you can always say your astrologer told you to do it.)
5. You know the thing you have which might as well be entitled All About Me and that you were too embarrassed or humble to show anyone? Get it out of the bottom drawer/attic/trunk. have another look at it. It might be better than you think