Taurus Moon rules our weekend so earthy, lusty, slow, stubborn, and grounded gets you there. Focus on making money, possessions, what you are building, luxury items, or values will also be front and center.
Saturday this brings some opportunities with others and some solid energy around outside resources or what you are doing in that Scorpio field of sex, triangles, power, control, or divorce. Mars and Saturn align to help you do something about it from a research angle or through what you do behind closed doors, artistically, spiritually, romantically, or involving institutions.
Sunday up until about 5pm eastern the Taurus Moon squares from last night's Venus and today's Solar position so you may feel frustrated or you may feel motivated to push a bit harder. Expect friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or social occasions to play into this factor. Gemini Moon takes over squaring Neptune and moving us into the last hours of Saturn in Direct motion so you may be extremely tired or a bit weepy, if you feel it coming on take care of you.

The weekend is about earning money or dealing with possessions. This will entail involving others and contending with loans, debt, settlements, investments, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, or partners money and cementing something solid one way or the other. Your sex life or divorce needs may also color earning topics this weekend, see if you can settle something to your favor. Passion plays out behind closed doors on Saturday. Saturday night/Sunday bring any challenges with social occasions or friends, the internet, groups, or charities, and somehow this is tied into the money flow for you. If your values don't align, don't push it. Sunday after 5pm est the need to retreat and have some private meetings or brainstorm ideas will take over. You may be dealing with information or decisions about hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, spiritual interests, research, investigations, a clandestine romance, or bad habit and this is liking to prove challenging. This energy lends towards feeling tired, confused or weepy tonight and if so just baby yourself, don't overdo it. For some the frictional energy pattern may inspire so pay attention to the imagination, it may get you through this maze. Do not drink and drive tonight, don't do it. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is about your personal needs and physical agenda, your body, image, identity, or brand, and what you want. You may be getting up close and personal with someone on a deeply intimate level or making an effort to connect with someone over serious financial matters, the divorce or sexual attractions. Doing something social with a partner is favored as is pursuing your aspirations with passion and involving key people such as agents, attorneys or partners. Your body, image and brand get a boost through concentrated efforts. Saturday night and into Sunday you will encounter some challenge involving a goal, career, a parent, or other authority figure, look at how you feel about the love or money flow here and then do what you can to put yourself into the equation for better solutions. After you get past 5pm on Sunday the energy shifts to focus on making money or something you value involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or social gatherings. If you have any issues over your income tonight it may feel very heavy or you may just feel tired, confused or weepy. If you feel it coming on just pull back and care for yourself. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is about what you are doing behind closed doors, with the imagination and anything tied to artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, time alone with your preferred romantic liaison, or dealing with institutions or research. There is someone in the mix that helps you tackle work or paperwork, deal with health concerns or animals, and organize or structure things. You should feel quite motivated about your career on Saturday or the energy will give you an added boost to do things on the career front, with parents, authority figures, towards your personal goals, or gearing up your ambitions. This looks quite positive for you and can help you establish your aims, be willing to commit one way or the other. Saturday night and into Sunday the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding plans will challenge you. Look at how you feel about the love or income here and do what you can to get more personally or physically involved. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy turns to your own body or personal needs and what you are doing on the career front, with a boss or parent, or involving a goal or ambition. You may feel a bit overwhelmed tonight and if so do your best to take it easy, Saturn is slowing to a stop in the astrological sky and Neptune is involved so there is a heavy Karmic vibe to the night, breathe. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will focus on your friends and group activities, what you are doing online, with astrology or charities, and any social functions you may be attending. Saturday there will be plenty of focus on your lover in all of this or with kids or creative projects. The idea is to do something responsible or to cement something favorable so show up and get serious about it, the results should benefit. You will also be quite motivated to do something about a trip, legal need, media, marketing or publishing deal, educational interest, or wedding today. The energy is again positive for what you cement with the lover, child or creative project here. Saturday night into Sunday will bring challenges regarding triangles, financial matters, sex, reproduction, life and death scenarios, or divorce. There is an intensity here that may push your buttons or motivate you to do something about it. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to focus on what you do behind the scenes. The energy will be heavy and Karmic so you may feel tired or face to face over those issues involving the romance, artistry, hospital or other institution, addiction, or spiritual need. Don't push yourself too hard tonight, just allow and pay attention to what you are feeling, you will be working with it in the months ahead. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will be quite ambitious Leo or you will feel like catching up with those in power positions, pursuing goals or gearing up on the career front. Your reputation or fame will precede you and on Saturday this will tie into something serious with another person at home or over real estate, moves, hotel rooms, renovations, roommates, family, or other grounding influences. Your libido will be off the charts as will your energy behind any financial matters you wish to address here or divorce needs that need to be tackled. You are under positive stars for all of it. Get ready to express your passion. Saturday night into Sunday will bring a challenge involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent. Look at where you stand over love or money and get in there over your own needs. Once you get past 5pm est on Sunday the energy shift to more social activities but these are going to involve some heavy Karmic situations that are somehow subconsciously pulling you over sexual attractions, divorce or major financial arenas. The energy is almost stopped in the sky so if you feel unclear or lost, tired or weepy, give yourself a break and take care of you. Wherever you are on the road towards that legal matter, media interest, educational plan, wedding, or trip, there's more going on than meets the eye, think past life scenarios rebalancing here, and trust that your best way forward will become clear shortly. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will get you geared up over a trip or someone at a distance, a legal matter, media or marketing need, publishing deal, educational pursuit, or wedding plan. There is a key relationship involved here and it will be in your best interest to motivate over these topics with them starting Saturday. Look to romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, or other significant peeps. You should be able to cement something in writing or make a commitment one way or the other. Saturday evening and into Sunday there is a challenge involving work, paperwork, a co-worker, employee, health matter, environmental interests, or the animals. Look at how the love or income is working for you here and see what you can personally do to shift things a bit. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to focus on feelings you have about goals, career or someone in charge and what is playing out with that key relationship in business or romance. The energy is slowing to a stop in the sky and the Karmic field is highly charged so feelings of weariness, sadness or confusion could be in the mix. Take care of yourself, don't stress it too much, trust in your instincts and get your rest tonight, things will be clearer in the days ahead. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will encourage your interests in all financial matters so it's a good time to tackle taxes or take care of insurance policies, organize your loans or mortgage, set up systems for commissions, settlements, investments, inheritance, bankruptcy, or alimony/child support. Saturday brings opportunity to get a handle on any financial matter through organizing, your work efforts, paperwork, and critical thinking. You may hire someone to help you as well. Health and animal needs can be met through efforts and work. You should be able to cement something that makes you money , commit to earning or end some income flow under positive stars today. For some of you it won't be the finances that compel you today as much as a sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need or divorce. If this is you then know that much here aligns with simplifying and organizing and connections through work, where you go to care for health and what you do with the pets (you may meet someone attractive while out walking the dog or be contending with who gets the pets in a divorce). Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge over sex, divorce or the finances and this is tied to your lover, the children or a creative project. You need to ask yourself where you stand with the love or money and make some choices. After 5pm est the energy shifts to concerns over legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding plans. There is something foggy around the work, paperwork, health, or animal concerns here. The energy overall is karmic and cloudy so you may feel too tired to deal or a bit sad or overwhelmed, if so just take care of yourself, rest and recharge, tomorrow's another day. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is going to be about your key relationships so look to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, and advocates. You will be one-on-one with them over serious matters and focusing in on commitments, ambitions, structure, limits, or endings. There is great motivating energy on Saturday in the creative department as well as in your pursuit of love or efforts with children. These 3 areas are going to inspire you to do something that cements things for you and revolves around what is going on with that key relationship. It's a positive aspect so get serious. Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge involving that partner, representative, client, opponent, or other relationship and what is going on at home, with family, real estate, a move, renovation, mom, or roommate. Look at the love or income need here and do what you can to put yourself into the mix in a way that helps you feel better or get closer to objectives. If you are stranded in the home now for some reason and cabin fever is setting in do your best to find other outlets for your energy rather than focus too strongly on that other person. After 5pm est the energy shifts to focus in on the sex/love needs, divorce/children/love dynamic or the financial/divorce/creative projects needs. Some combination of the above is going to feel foggy, sad, confusing, or just plain make you tired. The energy has slowed in the heavens and there is some heavily Karmic permeation going down so just breathe, take it slow, rest, and don't get lost in the sea of unconscious self-undoing when tomorrow is another day. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will be about work or organizing, catching up on paperwork, getting together with co-workers or people you are hiring, tackling health concerns, spending time with the animals, or gearing up on that environmental interest. You have a green light from the cosmos here through anything you do at home or that involves a move, real estate matter, family, roommate, or your security needs. Get serious and look at what efforts you can make behind closed doors, how your imagination can help, what artistry you can lend or further, any spiritual interests that play, romance you can channel, or institution that aligns in this for you. It's time to get serious and commit or structure this, wrap things up, end them, or let your ambitions free. Saturday evening into Sunday brings a challenge involving writing, sales, an agreement, meeting, talk, news, proposals, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. Look at where you are with the love or income here and then convey what you can to get what you need. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to more focus on partners, representatives, clients, or other key people. There is something about the home, move, real estate deal, family, or roommate here that is under some Karmic fog tonight so you may feel tired or sad about what is going on or just not quite clear. Rest and care for you, the energy has all but stopped in the heavens and you will do better to not push things at this point, the days ahead will bring more information. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is going to be all about the kids, your love life, recreational pursuits, or the creative projects, maybe all of the above if you are feeling ambitious! There is great potential for you locally or in nearby towns, through writing and agreements, meetings and talks, sales and vehicles, siblings and neighbors, electronics and decisions on Saturday so say yes and get moving. Anything you want to do with a friend or group may enhance your potential with love, creativity, recreation, or the kids. Ditto anything you do online, through astrology, charities, or social gatherings/parties/events. You should be able to cement something with all of this social and creative energy by just getting out there and doing it, all good. Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge involving income so look at what it is you want with that lover, creative project, child, or recreational interest and then see if you can work out the money issue. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to focus on work, paperwork, health, or animals. You may hear some news or be thinking about things or talking them through and feel a bit confused, sad, tired, or lost. This energy can bring some breakthroughs with the imagination but if you feel overwhelmed at all know that energy has come to a standstill and you may do better to just sleep and recharge batteries at this point and revisit this in the days ahead. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is about home, hearth, family, and what you do here. You may also focus in on real estate, moves, renovations, or roommates. There is potential for you to make money so be proactive and communicative about ideas and opportunities here. You will be one on one with someone over career needs or what is going on with a parent, boss or other authority figure, your goals or ambitions, and reputation. Getting serious and committing to something or wrapping it up is favored. Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge regarding home, family, real estate, moves, or roommates and your needs. Look at how you feel about the love or money and what it is you want for you, then see if you can get in there and work on that a bit. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to focus in on love, kids or creative needs. It seems earning money is holding something up here and you really need to address what this means to you. A very Karmic undertone surrounds this income topic and where you find yourself at this point in your love life or with the kids or creative projects. If you feel sad or confused or tired over it all tonight then give yourself a rest but do try to sleep on it with the intention of getting more clear on direction in the days ahead. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will focus in on lots of local activity, short trips, vehicles, writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, electronics, sales, meetings, talks, and decisions. You are going to be busy and there is great potential for you to cement something in a legal matter, with travel plans, some media, marketing or publishing interest, an educational pursuit, or wedding. Look at commitments, ambitions or endings here. The stars are favoring you if you are proactive and communicate, sell, write, sign, or meet about it. Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge over something going on behind the scenes or behind your back, tied to Karmic relationships or situations, hospitals or institutions, addictions or bad habits, secret romances or spiritual pursuits, film, music or other artistic interests, research, or investigations. Look at how you stand here where love or income is involved and then do what you can to get in there and make your needs known. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to home, real estate, moves, family, or roommates. There is a foggy, sad or overwhelmed feeling to this for you or you may be able to cue into this with some imagination but either way there is Karmic energy at play here and you may need to rest and try to stay out of your head tonight so that you can tackle it in the days ahead with more clarity. Do not drink at home tonight or take substances, it will go against you. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
Taurus Moon rules our weekend so earthy, lusty, slow, stubborn, and grounded gets you there. Focus on making money, possessions, what you are building, luxury items, or values will also be front and center.
Saturday this brings some opportunities with others and some solid energy around outside resources or what you are doing in that Scorpio field of sex, triangles, power, control, or divorce. Mars and Saturn align to help you do something about it from a research angle or through what you do behind closed doors, artistically, spiritually, romantically, or involving institutions.
Sunday up until about 5pm eastern the Taurus Moon squares from last night's Venus and today's Solar position so you may feel frustrated or you may feel motivated to push a bit harder. Expect friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or social occasions to play into this factor. Gemini Moon takes over squaring Neptune and moving us into the last hours of Saturn in Direct motion so you may be extremely tired or a bit weepy, if you feel it coming on take care of you.
The weekend is about earning money or dealing with possessions. This will entail involving others and contending with loans, debt, settlements, investments, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, or partners money and cementing something solid one way or the other. Your sex life or divorce needs may also color earning topics this weekend, see if you can settle something to your favor. Passion plays out behind closed doors on Saturday. Saturday night/Sunday bring any challenges with social occasions or friends, the internet, groups, or charities, and somehow this is tied into the money flow for you. If your values don't align, don't push it. Sunday after 5pm est the need to retreat and have some private meetings or brainstorm ideas will take over. You may be dealing with information or decisions about hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, spiritual interests, research, investigations, a clandestine romance, or bad habit and this is liking to prove challenging. This energy lends towards feeling tired, confused or weepy tonight and if so just baby yourself, don't overdo it. For some the frictional energy pattern may inspire so pay attention to the imagination, it may get you through this maze. Do not drink and drive tonight, don't do it. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is about your personal needs and physical agenda, your body, image, identity, or brand, and what you want. You may be getting up close and personal with someone on a deeply intimate level or making an effort to connect with someone over serious financial matters, the divorce or sexual attractions. Doing something social with a partner is favored as is pursuing your aspirations with passion and involving key people such as agents, attorneys or partners. Your body, image and brand get a boost through concentrated efforts. Saturday night and into Sunday you will encounter some challenge involving a goal, career, a parent, or other authority figure, look at how you feel about the love or money flow here and then do what you can to put yourself into the equation for better solutions. After you get past 5pm on Sunday the energy shifts to focus on making money or something you value involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or social gatherings. If you have any issues over your income tonight it may feel very heavy or you may just feel tired, confused or weepy. If you feel it coming on just pull back and care for yourself. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is about what you are doing behind closed doors, with the imagination and anything tied to artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, time alone with your preferred romantic liaison, or dealing with institutions or research. There is someone in the mix that helps you tackle work or paperwork, deal with health concerns or animals, and organize or structure things. You should feel quite motivated about your career on Saturday or the energy will give you an added boost to do things on the career front, with parents, authority figures, towards your personal goals, or gearing up your ambitions. This looks quite positive for you and can help you establish your aims, be willing to commit one way or the other. Saturday night and into Sunday the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding plans will challenge you. Look at how you feel about the love or income here and do what you can to get more personally or physically involved. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy turns to your own body or personal needs and what you are doing on the career front, with a boss or parent, or involving a goal or ambition. You may feel a bit overwhelmed tonight and if so do your best to take it easy, Saturn is slowing to a stop in the astrological sky and Neptune is involved so there is a heavy Karmic vibe to the night, breathe. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will focus on your friends and group activities, what you are doing online, with astrology or charities, and any social functions you may be attending. Saturday there will be plenty of focus on your lover in all of this or with kids or creative projects. The idea is to do something responsible or to cement something favorable so show up and get serious about it, the results should benefit. You will also be quite motivated to do something about a trip, legal need, media, marketing or publishing deal, educational interest, or wedding today. The energy is again positive for what you cement with the lover, child or creative project here. Saturday night into Sunday will bring challenges regarding triangles, financial matters, sex, reproduction, life and death scenarios, or divorce. There is an intensity here that may push your buttons or motivate you to do something about it. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to focus on what you do behind the scenes. The energy will be heavy and Karmic so you may feel tired or face to face over those issues involving the romance, artistry, hospital or other institution, addiction, or spiritual need. Don't push yourself too hard tonight, just allow and pay attention to what you are feeling, you will be working with it in the months ahead. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will be quite ambitious Leo or you will feel like catching up with those in power positions, pursuing goals or gearing up on the career front. Your reputation or fame will precede you and on Saturday this will tie into something serious with another person at home or over real estate, moves, hotel rooms, renovations, roommates, family, or other grounding influences. Your libido will be off the charts as will your energy behind any financial matters you wish to address here or divorce needs that need to be tackled. You are under positive stars for all of it. Get ready to express your passion. Saturday night into Sunday will bring a challenge involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or opponent. Look at where you stand over love or money and get in there over your own needs. Once you get past 5pm est on Sunday the energy shift to more social activities but these are going to involve some heavy Karmic situations that are somehow subconsciously pulling you over sexual attractions, divorce or major financial arenas. The energy is almost stopped in the sky so if you feel unclear or lost, tired or weepy, give yourself a break and take care of you. Wherever you are on the road towards that legal matter, media interest, educational plan, wedding, or trip, there's more going on than meets the eye, think past life scenarios rebalancing here, and trust that your best way forward will become clear shortly. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will get you geared up over a trip or someone at a distance, a legal matter, media or marketing need, publishing deal, educational pursuit, or wedding plan. There is a key relationship involved here and it will be in your best interest to motivate over these topics with them starting Saturday. Look to romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, or other significant peeps. You should be able to cement something in writing or make a commitment one way or the other. Saturday evening and into Sunday there is a challenge involving work, paperwork, a co-worker, employee, health matter, environmental interests, or the animals. Look at how the love or income is working for you here and see what you can personally do to shift things a bit. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to focus on feelings you have about goals, career or someone in charge and what is playing out with that key relationship in business or romance. The energy is slowing to a stop in the sky and the Karmic field is highly charged so feelings of weariness, sadness or confusion could be in the mix. Take care of yourself, don't stress it too much, trust in your instincts and get your rest tonight, things will be clearer in the days ahead. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will encourage your interests in all financial matters so it's a good time to tackle taxes or take care of insurance policies, organize your loans or mortgage, set up systems for commissions, settlements, investments, inheritance, bankruptcy, or alimony/child support. Saturday brings opportunity to get a handle on any financial matter through organizing, your work efforts, paperwork, and critical thinking. You may hire someone to help you as well. Health and animal needs can be met through efforts and work. You should be able to cement something that makes you money , commit to earning or end some income flow under positive stars today. For some of you it won't be the finances that compel you today as much as a sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need or divorce. If this is you then know that much here aligns with simplifying and organizing and connections through work, where you go to care for health and what you do with the pets (you may meet someone attractive while out walking the dog or be contending with who gets the pets in a divorce). Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge over sex, divorce or the finances and this is tied to your lover, the children or a creative project. You need to ask yourself where you stand with the love or money and make some choices. After 5pm est the energy shifts to concerns over legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding plans. There is something foggy around the work, paperwork, health, or animal concerns here. The energy overall is karmic and cloudy so you may feel too tired to deal or a bit sad or overwhelmed, if so just take care of yourself, rest and recharge, tomorrow's another day. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is going to be about your key relationships so look to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, opponents, and advocates. You will be one-on-one with them over serious matters and focusing in on commitments, ambitions, structure, limits, or endings. There is great motivating energy on Saturday in the creative department as well as in your pursuit of love or efforts with children. These 3 areas are going to inspire you to do something that cements things for you and revolves around what is going on with that key relationship. It's a positive aspect so get serious. Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge involving that partner, representative, client, opponent, or other relationship and what is going on at home, with family, real estate, a move, renovation, mom, or roommate. Look at the love or income need here and do what you can to put yourself into the mix in a way that helps you feel better or get closer to objectives. If you are stranded in the home now for some reason and cabin fever is setting in do your best to find other outlets for your energy rather than focus too strongly on that other person. After 5pm est the energy shifts to focus in on the sex/love needs, divorce/children/love dynamic or the financial/divorce/creative projects needs. Some combination of the above is going to feel foggy, sad, confusing, or just plain make you tired. The energy has slowed in the heavens and there is some heavily Karmic permeation going down so just breathe, take it slow, rest, and don't get lost in the sea of unconscious self-undoing when tomorrow is another day. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will be about work or organizing, catching up on paperwork, getting together with co-workers or people you are hiring, tackling health concerns, spending time with the animals, or gearing up on that environmental interest. You have a green light from the cosmos here through anything you do at home or that involves a move, real estate matter, family, roommate, or your security needs. Get serious and look at what efforts you can make behind closed doors, how your imagination can help, what artistry you can lend or further, any spiritual interests that play, romance you can channel, or institution that aligns in this for you. It's time to get serious and commit or structure this, wrap things up, end them, or let your ambitions free. Saturday evening into Sunday brings a challenge involving writing, sales, an agreement, meeting, talk, news, proposals, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. Look at where you are with the love or income here and then convey what you can to get what you need. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to more focus on partners, representatives, clients, or other key people. There is something about the home, move, real estate deal, family, or roommate here that is under some Karmic fog tonight so you may feel tired or sad about what is going on or just not quite clear. Rest and care for you, the energy has all but stopped in the heavens and you will do better to not push things at this point, the days ahead will bring more information. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is going to be all about the kids, your love life, recreational pursuits, or the creative projects, maybe all of the above if you are feeling ambitious! There is great potential for you locally or in nearby towns, through writing and agreements, meetings and talks, sales and vehicles, siblings and neighbors, electronics and decisions on Saturday so say yes and get moving. Anything you want to do with a friend or group may enhance your potential with love, creativity, recreation, or the kids. Ditto anything you do online, through astrology, charities, or social gatherings/parties/events. You should be able to cement something with all of this social and creative energy by just getting out there and doing it, all good. Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge involving income so look at what it is you want with that lover, creative project, child, or recreational interest and then see if you can work out the money issue. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to focus on work, paperwork, health, or animals. You may hear some news or be thinking about things or talking them through and feel a bit confused, sad, tired, or lost. This energy can bring some breakthroughs with the imagination but if you feel overwhelmed at all know that energy has come to a standstill and you may do better to just sleep and recharge batteries at this point and revisit this in the days ahead. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend is about home, hearth, family, and what you do here. You may also focus in on real estate, moves, renovations, or roommates. There is potential for you to make money so be proactive and communicative about ideas and opportunities here. You will be one on one with someone over career needs or what is going on with a parent, boss or other authority figure, your goals or ambitions, and reputation. Getting serious and committing to something or wrapping it up is favored. Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge regarding home, family, real estate, moves, or roommates and your needs. Look at how you feel about the love or money and what it is you want for you, then see if you can get in there and work on that a bit. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to focus in on love, kids or creative needs. It seems earning money is holding something up here and you really need to address what this means to you. A very Karmic undertone surrounds this income topic and where you find yourself at this point in your love life or with the kids or creative projects. If you feel sad or confused or tired over it all tonight then give yourself a rest but do try to sleep on it with the intention of getting more clear on direction in the days ahead. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.
The weekend will focus in on lots of local activity, short trips, vehicles, writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, electronics, sales, meetings, talks, and decisions. You are going to be busy and there is great potential for you to cement something in a legal matter, with travel plans, some media, marketing or publishing interest, an educational pursuit, or wedding. Look at commitments, ambitions or endings here. The stars are favoring you if you are proactive and communicate, sell, write, sign, or meet about it. Saturday night into Sunday brings a challenge over something going on behind the scenes or behind your back, tied to Karmic relationships or situations, hospitals or institutions, addictions or bad habits, secret romances or spiritual pursuits, film, music or other artistic interests, research, or investigations. Look at how you stand here where love or income is involved and then do what you can to get in there and make your needs known. After 5pm est on Sunday the energy shifts to home, real estate, moves, family, or roommates. There is a foggy, sad or overwhelmed feeling to this for you or you may be able to cue into this with some imagination but either way there is Karmic energy at play here and you may need to rest and try to stay out of your head tonight so that you can tackle it in the days ahead with more clarity. Do not drink at home tonight or take substances, it will go against you. If it's really time to get serious about what's up ahead for you a private reading with Zoe will bring you much more personal information and provide keys to timing and opportunity. To schedule email or call 818-613-6067.