Tuesday, July 31, 2012



A PERSONAL NOTE (Feel free to skip down to the Monthly Forecast if you need to, I just wanted to share a bit with you from what I’m going through here for those of you who wanted to hear from me): I wrote this forecast for you between 6:30 and 8:30am the last few days, it gave me some peace to get lost in the stars and the beautiful language it holds for us as I’m going through the loss of my Father. When I completed it I went back to read it and apply it to my life and saw again how amazing is the symmetry of the universe, that although some events feel like chaos in our simple lives, there is a higher flow at work. The Full Moon on Wednesday, August 1st, is in the sign of Aquarius. Full Moons bring a peak, a celebration and an ending. This is the sign of social events, friendship, groups, the brotherhood/sisterhood we feel in our associations that we form in our lives. Aquarius also rules astrology, the internet and charities, all of these areas are being brought to a peak for me as donations come in to his favorite athletic foundation (If you feel like donating you can give here and I will forward
), the messages of support come through online, friends far and wide, and I’m sharing with you through my astrology site what this is meaning to me when I usually keep my private life away from this work. In my chart this Full Moon is falling in the house of Faith, expansion and faraway places. This is the day of my Father’s services when his soul group will show up to remember him, and celebrate him and say good-bye. His friends and my friends have come around me near and far to comfort me through the process. It is a celebration of his life and the end as well as a peak in friendships and Faith. It occurs within 1 degree from my Saturn/South Node conjunction in Aquarius in my birth chart. Saturn represents the father and those in charge of our lives, it can bring loss/endings at a Full Moon. The South Node/Saturn conjunction in my birth chart speaks of my past life and responsibility as an astrologer between that life and this life time, what I had to carry forward from a life cut short back in 415 AD as an astrologer known as Hypatia but it also told the story of my past life connection to my Father and the chance we had to carry forward in knowledge and ideas that were cut short back then. Again, when aspected by a Full Moon, this opened the window for this potential to culminate in some Fated way, sad for me the culmination was about loss instead of another serious endeavor that past activations brought. It’s just one of many indicators occurring now in my life as Saturn moves to square my Sun, this Full Moon activated my past life and self mastery/potential and serious endings combination and Uranus and Pluto key in on my Venus/Pluto conjunction. Yes, I did sit a couple close friends down a couple months ago to let them know that I was entering a very challenging period, one of the toughest of my life, that would run until October 5th of 2012 and that I may need them to be round me in more supportive ways as I took on more and more to meet Saturn. I also reached out to all of you asking for prayers when my Mom took ill as part of this period and now for my Dad and they have helped so much. These same energy patterns that are bringing challenges to my personal life are also the ones bringing some of the biggest advancements in my professional life as my past/future axis is opening and more and more offers are coming in for me to spread the word about what I do in television, radio, magazines, etc. What I knew for certain during this period was that I would take a quantum leap in my career and it would mean taking on more responsibility and leadership, it would test me because I was meant to be tested now, and would mark the convergence of my past lives as a teacher and leader in this field with my current life journey with the stars, that my foundations would be rocked and tested in that either my home and parents could be affected or under duress or that I would face more responsibility during this period to home and parents, and that by the late Fall I would be at a completely different place than I was when entering the configuration. I believe in understanding the varied potentials of what a time like this might bring and then turning it over to my higher power in Faith that I am here, doing everything I can as a right and true person as part of something much bigger than myself and that whatever I face or take on during this period I do so to the best of my ability. God does not give us more than we can handle, this is something my Mom taught me over the years. As I go through this week of preparations and good-byes for my Father, I know I’m not in this alone and I know that keeping the Faith is what is keeping me going. I know that he is surrounded by love and the angels and beaming his energy here to us as he readies for his next adventure. I wanted to thank you all so much for every single thought and lovely word that you’ve sent my way. I believe that we have a story here and that everything is in perfect Divine flow. I was able to do what it took with my Mom and her hospital stays and paramedics over the last weeks we got her home and getting stronger. Now, that part of my being, the spiritual part, was able to sit with my Dad and stroke his shoulder and gently touch his face and tell him over and over again how much I love him and that he is on his way to his next chapter in his story without a single doubt that this is true. He could not have gone if it wasn’t his time and his soul was ready for the next chapter. It is the child in me that has to experience the pain of his absence in my daily life and find ways to absorb what this will mean. I'm getting through days that I never thought I could endure and waking up the next day and getting through that one.  The Saturn energy pushes me to grow up more to do the task at hand and get real about anything that I need to handle, to embrace the leadership I saw my Dad express throughout his life and live up to his example in my own way. Those of you who knew my Father, I want to share how peaceful he looked to all of us, he had a gentle departure and an air of illumination about him that I’ve never seen before with someone who passed. It was in itself comforting. He looked noble and so he was. Anyway, I just thought I would share with you that it is part of why this work means so much to me, why I spend so much of my time writing about the aspects for you and doing readings, in times like this the words of Gospel, (and I’m paraphrasing), “Let there be stars in the heavens to mark the days and the seasons and let them be for signs” can be genuinely understood. There is so much that I can sit and see about the timing and connections in this that is beyond my childlike bond to a Father and this gives more fullness to the story that I share with him. He is a great man forever in my heart. I love him so much and am so proud to be his daughter. I wanted to share a bit of how the astrological process is helping in part through this process. Thanks for being here for me, I love you guys. Zoe


A FULL MOON in Aquarius opens the month of August by bringing a peak or ending involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or a charity. This Full Moon occurs on the 1st and is in balance with what you are revisiting or releasing from your past involving love, creative interests or children.

Venus enters Cancer on the 7th where she will now smooth things out or attract love in the sign of family, home, real estate matters, moves, roommates, and your sense of security. You may also find ways to earn money in these realms or find that you are interested in spending on purchases for the home or family at this time.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are now in the clear to sign contracts or purchase vehicles or electronics. You have had weeks to rework, revisit, reconnect, or release in the areas of love, kids, creative interests, or recreational needs and you should now have an idea of what you want to decide, sign, agree to, write, sell, ask for, or say moving forward.

The 15th looks like a volatile or high octane day. Personal planets, Mars and Venus, each take on one of the power planets of change and serious commitments or endings, Pluto and Saturn. This is occurring on the angles which in astrology gives them more power to make things happen so mark this day as a day that things shift and note that it will involve love, money, passion, anger, action, change, limits, commitments, endings, the home, family, goals, career, mom/dad, and significant relationships. This is followed by another day of change on the 16th when Venus squares Uranus and a sudden turn in the road involving home, family, security, love, money, your needs, body, identity, or goals adds to the mix.

The NEW MOON in Leo arrives on the 17th and is a flower opening after all the Retrograde energy everyone has experienced in this sign. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate fresh starts with love, children, creative projects, recreational interests, or anything involving getting up your courage.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd and for the next 30 days will be illuminating the details, organizational skills, work, co-workers, employees, service, health, and animals. These areas will require your personal touch or your physical participation and it will be where you shine. You may receive some good news today or come up with a great idea involving love, children or creative ventures.

Mars exits Libra having done his part over the last 7 weeks in league with Karma planet, Saturn, to instigate the action necessary to move relationships in the direction they are meant to go. He now enters Scorpio where in the weeks ahead he will bring passion, action or anger over sex, divorce, death and rebirth, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, partner’s money, commissions, and any other outside resource. You will be motivated to make things happen in these areas and driven to go deeper.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st bringing more talks, agreements, meetings, writing, decisions, sales, short trips, local activity, sibling or neighbor interaction, moves, involvement with vehicles or electronics, all involving work, health or pets. Interviews and auditions amp up, you will be fine tuning the negotiations, filling out paperwork, and asking for what you need in the workforce, over health needs or for your pets. 

There is a FULL MOON in Pisces today that will bring a peak in the Karmic area of your chart. You will be feeling the build up and achievements, celebrations or endings tied to retreat and rest, efforts done behind the scenes, in development or strategically, in film, music or other arts, with spiritual interests, yoga, meditation, magic, psychic interests, a clandestine affair, with hospitals, spas or other institutions, or in research or investigations.

You hit a high point with a friend on the 1st as you celebrate achievements or something social or you end the connection. There may also be peaks involving groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations today as the Full Moon brings things to a head.

Venus moves into your home base on the 7th to help smooth things out on the home front, bring a female onto the scene, help you attract love or income here, or spur you to beautify your surroundings. You can use this energy to attract these things to your real estate needs, moves, roommate situations, family needs, or renovations.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th giving you the green light to sign contracts or purchase electronics or vehicles. You are now ready to move forward with decisions or agreements involving creative projects, children or lovers as well. Any writing, sales, meetings, talks, or negotiations can now move ahead.

The 15th is intense as things will come into powerful focus and involve some big changes, commitments or endings, and play out over your home, family, roommates, moves, real estate needs, reputation, authority figures, career, partners, representatives, opponents, and all that love, action, passion, anger, or money on the line. This is followed on the 16th by a surprise or sudden change that you are likely to initiate involving home, family, roommates, real estate, or your security needs.

The NEW MOON on the 17th is your fresh start with love, kids, creative projects, and recreational interests. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate here or to meet new opportunities.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd and will tour here over the next 30 days illuminating work, organization, simplifying, details, services, co-workers, employees, paperwork, health needs or issues, and pets. This is where you will most likely want to pour your personal and physical energy and where you will shine. There is an opportunity today to meet, talk, write, sign, or sell in the creative realm, with a love interest or children and it looks big.

Your ruler, Mars, exits Libra and moves into Scorpio on the 23rd. This is going to amp you up big time over any actions you need to take involving loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, alimony, child support, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, other people’s money, or any other outside resource. In the weeks ahead you will be a dynamo on the financial front. It will also stir your action, passion or anger over sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs, death and rebirth, or divorce needs.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you will now be able to negotiate, sell, write, sign agreements, pitch ideas, interview, audition, meet, or make big decisions involving work, health or pet needs. The FULL MOON in Pisces today is bringing a peak around Karmic relationships, hidden affairs, projects in development, research, investigations, film, music or other art projects, spiritual interests, hospitals or other institutions, or your time behind the scenes. This will be about wrapping things up, endings, celebrations, or achievements here. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

August 1st brings a FULL MOON in your career Midheaven. This is your peak this year on the career front so you may be achieving some major goal here or one that you set in your private life, or you could be ending a major ambition or career. This can be about celebrations or endings with dad, father figures, the boss, an authority figure, or with your goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or status.

Your ruler, Venus, moves into Cancer on the 7th and will smooth things out in your talks, agreements, sales, negotiations, writing, local arena, and through short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and ideas. Venus will help you attract love or income through these fields and you should be able to talk the leaves off the trees about now. Romance will find you out and about your neighborhood or in nearby towns.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are ready to make a decision, sign the papers, write things up, make the sale, or get active out there locally or in towns nearby involving your home, any moves, real estate deals, family, mom, or roommates.

Note that the 15th is going to be an intense day and involve something serious that you are actively committing to or ending at work, with paperwork, a health need, with a co-worker or employee, a service, or your pets. There will be powerful talks or agreements regarding love or money and the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding needs. This day is followed by more surprise or change on the 16th involving something that is going on behind the scenes or out of the blue. Again the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, decisions, and any love or money matter will be focal.

The NEW MOON arrives on the 17th and gives you 2 strong weeks to launch new home projects or opportunities, to do something new with a roommate situation, family, move, or real estate deal, and to get your security needs on new footing.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd and illuminates your love life, children and creative projects over the next 30 days. You will be pouring more personal and physical energy into these realms now and this is where you will shine. There is opportunity for good news or ideas to come up around home, family, real estate, and income today.

Mars moves into Scorpio on the 23rd and will amp things up with partners in romance and business, with your agents, attorneys, specialists, or with your opponents and competitors in the weeks ahead. This is going to push you to action and help you express passion or anger, while making things happen.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and the agreements, writing, sales, decisions, meetings, talks, short trips, local activities, and ideas will revolve around lover or love interests, children, recreational interests, and creative projects. You may hear news of something today in one of these arenas. 

The FULL MOON in Pisces occurs today bringing a head to something involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or your aspirations. This is about high points, celebrations, achievements, or endings. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON in August 1st is bringing a culmination to legal matters, travel plans or with people at a distance, foreign interests, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding interests. This is a high point here involving celebrations, achievements or endings.

Venus moves into your income zone on the 7th and will help to smooth things out and attract more easily any income you need. You may also feel motivated to spend on luxury items during this transit or spend on objects of affection for your loved one.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th which is always felt by your sign since it is your ruler. This is about a shift in direction of your personal energy and your decisions, agreements, writing, sales, siblings, neighbors, local activities, short trips, vehicles, electronics, or ideas. You are now ready to move ahead and you have the green light to sign documents, make purchases and say yes.

The 15th is going to be an intense day and play out over your money interests and creative projects, lovers or children. This is about action, passion, anger, love, income, triangles, shared wealth or spending, sexual attractions, divorce, commitments, or endings. It is followed by more surprise or change on the 16th when your income or spending and a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity.

The NEW MOON on the 17th is your fresh start with agreements, decisions, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, offers, speaking roles, ideas, talks, meetings, or moves. You have 2 strong weeks to launch or initiate.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd and illuminates your home, family, roommates, moves, real estate, renovations, or security needs over the next 30 days. This is where you will be pouring your personal and physical energy and where you will shine and take the lead. You may get good news, an offer, make a fortuitous meeting, or come up with a great idea today.

Mars moves into Scorpio on the 23rd where he is going to amp things up on the work force, towards landing work, with co-workers or employees, with services, over health needs, or with pets. Mars is all about action, passion or anger and motivating to make things happen, so expect to see it moving ahead in these areas in the weeks ahead.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you can now have the talks or meetings, write things up, sign agreements, make decisions or the sale, involving home, real estate, family, roommates, moves, or renovations. The FULL MOON in Pisces brings a peak around career, father, the boss, authority figures, ambitions, goals, reputation, or fame. This will be about celebrations, achievements or endings. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st is bringing a culmination for you with something powerful and deep. This is about life and death, sex and reproduction, divorce, or any major financial matter such as a loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, tax, alimony, child support, commission, royalty, or partner’s money. You will be celebrating achievements or marking endings.

Venus moves into your sign and over the weeks ahead she will help draw more love to you, help you attract more income or spend on things that benefit your aims, and help smooth things out in general. It’s a good time for a makeover, purchases on photographs, wardrobe, hair, make-up, or any other item that pampers or adds beauty to your mix.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are now ready to move ahead on income interests, any major purchases, possessions, acquisitions, and building on things. It’s ok to sign documents, purchase electronics or vehicles again after today.

Mark the 15th as an intense day as things amp up big time between you and a partner, representative or other significant person. There will be action on the home front, family, mom, roommates, involving a move, real estate, renovations, or any other motivating, passionate, or angry issue arising here. This is about change, third parties, commitments or endings, and how you balance your needs in love or income. It is followed by more change or surprises on the 16th that play out on the career front, with a boss, authority figure, dad, goals, ambitions, reputation, or fame.

The NEW MOON on the 17th is your 2 week window to seed new income prospects, to make that purchase, begin your building project, do something that brings new pleasure into your life, or take earnings into a new direction.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd and illuminates your local arena, siblings, neighbors, writing, agreements, decisions, talks, meetings, vehicles, electronics, ideas, short trips, and sales over the next 30 days. This is where you will be pouring your personal and physical energy and where you will shine or take the lead. You may receive a wonderful opportunity to make money today out of the blue.

Mars moves into Scorpio on the 23rd where he is going to spark up your love life with passion or anger, motivate you to do things with your lover or to pursue love with determination, and spur you on to get creative projects moving or things done with the kids. The fire is lit.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you can now sign contracts, get new meetings or agreements going, make new sales, write, move, or have more interaction with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or local activity and short trips. The FULL MOON in Pisces is bringing a peak around a trip, legal matter, educational need, marketing, media or publishing interest, or wedding. This is about celebrations, achievements or endings. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st is in your opposite sign of Aquarius and is meant to bring a peak, celebration, achievement, or ending with or for this romantic partner, business partner, agent, attorney, manager, producer, expert, specialist, advocate, competitor, or opponent.

Venus moves into your Karmic zone on the 7th where over the next weeks she will bring love in a clandestine or private way, help you smooth things out or attract what you need regarding hospitals, retreat, research, investigations, dealing with addictions, film, music or other artistic needs, spiritual interests, or projects in development.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are now ready to reintroduce yourself to the world. This has been a backtracking in your sign and time to rethink ego or identity needs, body image or physical issues, your personal goals, or brand. You should now be ready to move ahead, sign documents, make purchases, and decisions.

The 15th is going to be intense so take note that on this day work, health or pets needs will be part of what is going on behind the scenes, with that hospital or institution, arts or spiritual needs, and that some very intense news, talks, agreements, meetings, or decisions involving commitments or endings will motivate or stir passions or anger. This is followed by more change or surprise on the 16th playing out over legal, travel, people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, education, or weddings, and the love or money on the line in these Karmic arenas.

The NEW MOON on the 17th is about fresh starts for you personally or with the next 2 week window to seed new identities, image, brand, or physical needs. You should have a lot of energy to make things happen.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd where he will illuminate your earnings over the next 30 days. This is where you will want to pour your personal or physical energy and where taking the lead and showing up will garner you more income or help you land new income sources, put you into scenarios to spend, deal with possessions, or build something. There is potential for some great news or talks today with a friend, group, internet need, astrology interest, or charity.

Mars enters Scorpio on the 23rd where he is going to amp things up on the home front, with family, moves, real estate deals, security needs, roommates, renovations, or mom in the weeks ahead. This is about action, motivation, passion, or anger sparking in these areas.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and opens up the agreements, sales, proposals, writing, decisions, meetings, talks, short trips, local activities, vehicle or electronic needs, sibling interaction, or neighbors involvement towards your earning money. It’s time to pitch those ideas, interview or audition. The FULL MOON in Pisces today is bringing a peak around sex, divorce or some big shared or outside financial interest. This is about a time of celebration, achievement or endings here. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st brings a culmination for you at work, with paperwork, a co-worker, employee, service, environmental interest, pet or animal need, or health matter. This is about a celebration, achievement or ending.

Venus moves into your social sphere on the 7th and in the weeks ahead will attract love or money opportunities for you through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or behind your pursuit of your aspirations. You may have a woman enter the picture now that befriends you or helps you in one of these areas.

Your ruling energy, Mercury, goes Direct on the 8th and you are now ready to make some decisions about what has been going on behind closed doors, in a clandestine affair, with a film, music or other art project or interest, with a hospital, prison or other institution, research project, or investigation. The contracts can now be signed, electronics or vehicles purchased, and choices made.

The 15th is going to be intense as things amp up over your income as you go after a commitment, ambition or ending, and powerful changes occur in creative projects, with love, kids, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. This is followed on the 16th by more change or surprise focused on loans, settlements, investments, partner’s money, or any other major financial matter, or it is about sex, divorce or reproductive needs. Again an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, or social networking matter is part of the mix.

The Sun moves into your sign on the 22nd to illuminate your needs, body, image, brand, or identity needs in the next 30 days. You will be pouring more personal and physical energy into taking the lead and taking care of yourself during this period and this is where you will shine. Expect some big news today regarding your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, the boss, or an authority figure that should open things up in a positive way.

Mars enters Scorpio on the 23rd where he will motivate action out in your local scene, with brothers or sisters, short trips, agreements, writing, vehicles, electronics, sales, or decisions over the weeks ahead. Mars is bringing determination, drive, passion, or anger into the mix and pushing you to make things happen or react to the action of others.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you will find that your talks and meetings, agreements and decisions are amping up and that you, your needs, identity, brand, image, or body is central to what is going on. The FULL MOON in Pisces is bringing a peak with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. This is about celebration, achievement or endings. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st brings a peak to a creative project, lover or love interest, or with a child. This is about something culminating in celebration, achievement or endings.

Your ruler, Venus, moves into the top of your chart on the 7th where she will help you smooth things out and attract what you need on the career front, with the boss, authority figures, dad, with ambitions, goals, reputation, or fame. This may help you with money or love during this period. Women should be more beneficial to your aims as well.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are finally ready to make decisions, sign agreements, purchase vehicles or electronics, take meetings, have talks, make sales, or share ideas with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. Any slow-downs or miscommunications that went down here will now start to move ahead or straighten out.

The 15th is an intense day as you feel the need to do something serious and make changes or deal with triangles or power plays going on with home, real estate, family, roommates, or property matters, career, the boss, authority figures, ambitions, goals, and your own needs. It’s about change, commitments or endings and motivating yourself to do something about it, deal with passions or anger, and the love or money involved. This is followed by more change or surprise on the 16th with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or opponent and any goal, boss, authority figure, ambition, or career matter.

The NEW MOON on th e17th is your 2 week window for new beginnings with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Launch now or seed the beginning of it, you may make new friends now or start that project that takes you forward over the year ahead.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd where it will illuminate your time behind the scenes or in retreat, in development or research, investigations or dealing with hospitals or other institutions, with clandestine affairs, film, music, art, spiritual interests, and Karmic bonds. This is a 30 day transit and where you will most want to pour your personal and physical energy, take the lead and shine your light. You may get good news or do something big involving legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matters and a friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest.

Mars moves into Scorpio on the 23rd where he will amp things up over the weeks ahead regarding your income. It’s time to make more, find income, spend on things you are passionate about, put energy behind building things or pleasure, and this is where your actions, passions or anger will stir you.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you should find that the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions going on behind the scenes pick up. This again may fuel hospitals or other institutions, clandestine affairs, dealing with addictions, research or investigations, film, music or art, and any spiritual interests. The FULL MOON in Pisces brings a work project, something with a co-worker or employee, a health matter, paperwork, or something with a pet to a peak. This is about the celebrations, achievements or endings here. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st brings a peak to home, family, roommate, security, real estate, moves, or property matters. This is about something culminating, being celebrated, achieved or ending.

Venus moves into your 9th house on the 7th where she will help smooth things out and bring the love or income flow through legal matters, travel plans or people at a distance, media projects, marketing campaigns, publishing interests, educational matters, or weddings in the weeks ahead. This is where you can enjoy a positive flow and ease of flow and where women will be beneficial to your aims.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are now ready to make your moves on the career front, with the boss, dad, an authority figure, your goals, ambitions, reputation, or fame. This is about forward motion with the agreements, decisions, writing, sales, meetings, talks, short trips, or local activities. You have the green light to sign or make your purchases.

Mark the 15th as an intense day when your talks, news, decisions, agreements, and any marketing, publishing, travel, media, educational, legal, wedding, or distant needs will be in the balance over changes, power people or situations, triangles, the shared financials, sex, divorce, love, income, and will spur you to take action behind the scenes, on a film, music or artistic endeavor, with a spiritual pursuit or retreat, any clandestine affair, hospital, research project, project in development, investigation, or Karmic matter. It’s about action, passion or anger, commitments or endings, and getting real. This is followed by more change or surprise on the 16th involving work, health or pets and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding plans.

The NEW MOON in Leo arrives on the 17th and opens up 2 strong weeks for you to launch new career agendas, start a new business, get a fresh start with reputation, fame, ambitions, or goals, or a new beginning with a boss, dad or authority figure.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd and illuminates your social sphere over the next 30 days. This is about putting a spotlight on your friends, groups, social networking, internet interests, astrology interests, charities, and aspirations. This is where you will want to pour your personal and physical energy and where you will shine. You may get good news today or make a big decision regarding goals, career, the authority figure, and the shared financial matter, divorce or sexual interest.

Mars moves into your sign on the 23rd where he will light a fire over the weeks ahead. This is about motivating you to get busy, get out there, do something about your image, body, brand, identity, or ego needs, and it will spark your passions or anger as it spurs you on.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you can now get the agreements, decisions, writing, meetings, sales, or local activities going with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. The FULL MOON in Pisces brings a peak with a creative venture, child or lover/love interest today. This is about a celebration, achievement or ending. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st brings a peak for you with an agreement, writing project, decision, sale, meeting, talk, sibling, neighbor, short trip, local activity, vehicle, or electronic. This is about achievements, celebrations or endings.

Venus moves into your high finance zone on the 7th where she will help you smooth things out with the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance or tax matter, alimony, child support, commissions, settlement, investment, partner’s money, or any other outside resource. It should be easier to attract the love or income in these areas and you may find you are spending more on luxury items. Her placement here also may bring a love/sexual attraction or bring more love into your affairs or help you to smooth things out with a divorce.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are now ready to sign documents, purchase electronics or vehicles, and make decisions regarding legal matters, travel plans or with people at a distance, educational matters, media, marketing, or publishing needs, or wedding plans.

The 15th is going to be intense as you see a major financial matter in the balance and your passions or anger is stirred as you motivate on something serious with a friend, group, internet matter, astrology, charity, or aspiration. This is about making things happen and dealing with limits, commitments, ambitions, or endings, along with any changes and third party scenarios. This is followed by more change or surprise on the 16th with a lover, child or creative project and your sex life, divorce or financial picture.

The NEW MOON on the 17th opens up a 2 week window for you to launch new legal interests or agreements, travel plans, media or marketing needs, publishing deals, educational interests, or wedding plans.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd and illuminates your career, ambitions, goals, reputation, fame, father, boss, or dealings with authority figures over the next 30 days. This is where you are going to want to pour your personal and physical energy and where you will shine. You may hear good news or make a big decision today regarding a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person and the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or educational matter.

Mars moves into Scorpio on the 23rd where he will amp up the action, passion or anger in the weeks ahead behind the scenes, in research and development, with film, music or the arts, any spiritual interests, hospitals, prisons, retreats, or with clandestine affairs. You should feel driven.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you will see more agreements, news, decisions, talks, meetings, short trips, local activities, and ideas involving career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, the boss, or authority figures. The FULL MOON in Pisces is bringing a peak for you with home, a move, real estate, family, or roommates today. This is about achievements, celebrations or endings. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st brings a peak for you with income, spending, possessions, or with something you are building or pursing in pleasure. This is about what you value and a celebration, achievement or ending.

Venus moves into your relationship axis on the 7th which bodes well for smoother sailing with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or the competition. You can attract what you need via love or income through these people more easily now and should be able to charm them to your side in the weeks ahead.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are now ready to make a decision, sign an agreement, write, make the sale, or meet with people regarding your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, or any major financial matter.

The 15th is an intense day that will bring a relationship into the balance be that with a partner, agent, attorney, opponent, or other significant person, and point out any deep needs, third party situations, sex or money issues, divorce needs, love or income flow, and motivate you to express your drive, passion or anger around the goal, career, boss, authority figure, reputation, fame, or status. You will be pushing for something to happen involving limits, ambitions, commitments, or endings. This is followed by more changes or surprise on the 16th when home, moves, real estate, family, roommates, or security needs and the partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other significant person get in the mix.

The NEW MOON arrives on the 17th and opens up a 2 week window for you to start a new sexual affair or do something new with your sex partner, to begin anew with reproductive needs, a divorce, or with any loans, settlements, insurance matters, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, investments, or other outside finances.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd where he will illuminate your travel, legal, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, and educational interests over the next 30 days. This is where you will pour more personal and physical energy and where you will shine. You may get some good news or make a big decision today involving work, health or pets and the big financial interest, divorce or sexual connection.

Mars enters Scorpio on the 23rd where he will amp up the action, spark the passion or stir the anger in the weeks ahead and for you this means lots of things happening with this through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. It’s time to heat things up.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you should notice more talks, meetings, sales, writing, agreements, and decisions around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding needs. The FULL MOON in Pisces brings a decision, agreement, sale, writing project, short trip, local activity, sibling or neighbor interest, vehicle or electronic need, or idea to a head. This is about a celebration, achievement or ending here. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st brings a personal goal to a head or it is about a high point for you with your identity, image, brand, body, or personal needs. It’s a time of achievements, celebration or endings.

Venus moves into your work, health and pet arena on the 7th where she will be smoothing things out and helping you attract the love or income you need through efforts here. You may find that a woman enters the picture that benefits your job, health or animal interests in the weeks ahead.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th at which time you should be ready to make your decision, sign the agreement, write, make the sale, have the talk, or meet with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other significant person in your life right now. You have the green light to move forward.

The 15th is going to be an intense day as you face someone over work, paperwork, services, health, pets, and changes going on behind closed doors, on a Karmic level, dealing with institutions, retreat, clandestine affairs, artistic projects, spiritual interests, or research. This is about powerful connections and the changes or third party situations. It is going to amp things up big time with a trip or person at a distance, a legal matter, media, marketing or publishing interest, wedding, or educational matter. This will be serious and about commitments or endings. This is followed by more change or surprise on the 16th involving news, agreements, decisions, sales, meetings, talks, or ideas and the work, health or pet needs.

The NEW MOON on the 17th is your 2 week window to start fresh with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. You can launch new ventures, begin new associations or take things forward in new ways.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd where he will illuminate your sex, reproductive, divorce, and shared financial interests over the next 30 days. This is where you will want to pour your personal and physical energy and where you will take the lead and shine. You may get some good news or make a big decision today involving love, kids or creative projects and a partner, representative or other significant person.

Mars enters Scorpio on the 23rd to amp up the energy on the career front or with your goals and ambitions, dealings with dad, the boss or authority figures, or with your reputation or fame. This is about the motivating energy pushing you to make things happen and to express your passions or anger as you spark things up in the weeks ahead.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and you should see more talks, writing, agreements, sales, meetings, decisions, and ideas involving sex, divorce or the big financial picture in the weeks ahead. The FULL MOON in Pisces is bringing a peak to an income matter as you celebrate achievements or end something here. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com

The FULL MOON on the 1st is bringing a peak to a Karmic matter, any hospital or institutional interests, dealings with addictions, clandestine affairs, film, music or art projects, spiritual interests, developmental needs, research projects, or investigations. You may see a time of retreat end now as well. This is about celebrations, achievements or wrapping things up in these areas.

Venus moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects on the 7th where she is going to help smooth things over and attract the love and money flow here more easily. You may feel like spending on these people and interests during these weeks or building something up and sharing the pleasure. Singles, this bodes well for your chances in new love.

Mercury goes Direct on the 8th and you are now ready to make your decisions, write it up, sign the agreements, make your electronic or vehicle purchases, put the sale through, or have the talk or meeting regarding your work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets.

The 15th is going to be an intense day as you find you are dealing with someone over changes with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and the love or money matter tied to kids, lovers or creative projects. You are going to feel spurred on to do something about the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, investment, or other outside financial interest, or to motivate on the sexual interest or divorce. This is about the limits, commitments, ambitions, or endings. All this is followed by more change or surprise on the 16th involving income, spending and a child, lover or creative venture.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd where he will illuminate your relationships over the next 30 days. This means that you will be pouring more personal and physical energy into your romantic and business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, and opponents. This is where you should take the lead and where you will shine your light. You may get good news or make a big decision today involving home, real estate, moves, family, roommates, and the work, health or pet needs.

Mars enters Scorpio on the 23rd where he will amp things up in the weeks ahead through travel or people at a distance, with media or marketing projects, publishing needs, educational outlets, weddings, or legal matters. You will feel driven here and want to make things happen. You may express more passion or anger tied to these themes as well.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 31st and in the weeks ahead you will see more news, talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, and decisions involving the partners, representatives and other significant relationships. There may be more short trips or local activities as well. The FULL MOON today is in your sign and is about a high point for you as you reach a goal, are celebrated or end something. This may be about you, your body, image, identity, or brand as you hit the peak. If you would like to take a deeper look into your personal chart it may be time to schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com 

ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON’s 2012 CALENDAR can be ordered here: http://astrologyscopes.com/    ZOE MOON’s 2012 CALENDAR can be ordered here: http://astrologyscopes.com/    SPECIAL THANKS to RICK SMOLKE and QUIK IMPRESSIONS GROUP of Chicago for their outstanding work on the calendar, if you need any print work done professionally, quickly, and with great care and assistance you can reach them here: http://www.quikimpressionsgroup.com  or call them at 630-495-7845   I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM for all your needs! Check out the great artists graciously contributing works to the calendar here:Richard Grieco, http://www.richardgrieco-official.com/   Albane Navizet, http://www.albanenavizet.com/    Sally Kirkland, http://www.sallykirkland.com/    Davyd Whaley, http://www.davydwhaley.com/   Taylor Negron, http://www.taylornegron.com/   Annie Abbott, http://www.anniemarieabbott.com/    Olivia Wilder, http://www.olivia-wilder.com/   Daniel B. Holeman, http://www.awakenvisions.com/   Norn Cutson, http://www.nornsisland.com/   Carlos Alejandro, http://www.caphoto.com/   Roberta Weir, http://www.weirgallery.com/   Dawn Fairies, http://fineartamerica.com/art/all/dawn+fairies/all    Shadavar Stock, http://shadavar-stock.deviantart.com/ORDER YOUR CALENDAR NOW!:  http://astrologyscopes.com/
  ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/