Sunday, July 22, 2012

Beranda » » Summer Holidays

Summer Holidays

Ciao ragazzi! 

The great golden god of the Zodiac has finally slipped into his own sign and it's time for me (at least) to kick back and recharge the old batteries. 

Mentally, it's been rather a frenzied few months.  Astrologically there are several factors, not least Uranus (electricity) in Aries (the head). Jupiter (large) in Gemini (the mind, communications, information) truly has proved something of an onslaught of mental stimulation this time. Perhaps the sextile to Uranus (also the web) and Venus's long sojourn in Gemini have made it more so. 

So I'm taking a complete break from writing the blog this summer to allow my brain some time to simmer down. Mercury Rx seems like a good time to do that.

In short I'm not going to be around much for the next month or so – just back to drop in the horoscopes at the end of the July and August.

Enjoy your summer and if you need to get in touch directly drop me an email.