Friday, December 16, 2011

Beranda » » Go On - Give 'em A Reading

Go On - Give 'em A Reading

Are you tired of giving Great Uncle Matthew a bottle of port and a piece of your mind? Are you bored with buying your sister yet another useful kitchen utensil? 
Would you really like to get all your Christmas shopping done now?

Or do you simply know someone who could really do with an excellent astrological consultation?

Well, send them along to me. I have a lovely coal fire and some delicious mince pies. Oh yes, and I know a thing or two about the stars and stuff.

Consultations in person are £75 for an hour and by Skype £80. 
Drop me an email at christina @ (get rid of the spacing to make it work), so we can fix up a time in the New Year, and I will send you a lovely voucher to give to your lucky friend, relative or even lover.