Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Breath of the Zodiac

I love this time between Christmas and New Year. I like to stay quiet in my lair and think and talk and stare at the fire. It's a pause ...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Heart was purring, but you wouldn't think so to look at him! Hey, it's rather an auspicious Christmas this year. Who'd have thou...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

That Link on the Left

I don't do ads on this site. But I have just added this Amazon button. It works like this. If you were about to buy something on Amazon ...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sagittarian Self Portraits: Half Human Half Beast

Lucien Freud, Dec 8, 1922. Not someone you'd want to take to tea with grandma. There's a darkness to Sagittarius . Often it's h...

Monday, December 19, 2011

North Korea: The Tyrant is Dead, Long Live the Tyrant

A stamp commemorates Kim Jong Il's meeting with Hu Jintao. Well, it's been quite a year for departures , has it not. Ben Ali, Mubara...

Last Minute Presents For The Empty of Wallet

You've been making one of these right. Tell me if you know who took this pic. How do you choose something really special without breakin...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Go On - Give 'em A Reading

Are you tired of giving Great Uncle Matthew a bottle of port and a piece of your mind? Are you bored with buying your sister yet another use...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Studio Neptune

Sometimes you get an overwhelming sense of one planetary energy from a particular room. I have a friend who's North Node, destiny or eve...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Merkozy: Valkyrie

Merkozy: Scorpio Rising, Taurus Sun - not to be messed with. In Europe, there is someone in charge now and her name is Merkozy . It's ta...

Revisiting Cameron

Back in October I wrote a piece about David Cameron, which I think is worth re-reading . Here is the link . I asked this question: "Wil...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Britain in Europe: An Identity Crisis

Eclipses always signify endings . Some more major than others. This ending is a biggie. On Friday, by rejecting closer fiscal co-operation, ...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Astrology of Now: Helter Skelter

Blimey! It's been quite a year. The rebel planet Uranus has fast-tracked the whole world into a revolutionary ferment. And Uranus is ab...

10 Things to Do With Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

Ahh bless him. Revisit David Sshwimmer (Nov.2) and his Friends Oh my goodness – I do try not to get in a fritz about Mercury Retrograde. Ind...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Are You Cinderella or An Ugly Step-Sister?

The ugly step-sisters flank Cinderella in last year's panto at the Oxford Playhouse. What is it about our brothers and sisters? It's...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Horoscopes

Despite Merc Rx fandoodlemayhem, the scopes are here. This month is so cosmically amazing though that I'm going to be doing quite a few ...

One Night Stand

Pluto abducts Proserpine. Bernini. Venus meets Pluto tomorrow (December 2), setting the tone for a very "interesting" month ahead....