If you want to still read the WEEKLY Forecast: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/04/zoe-moon-astrology-weekly-horoscope_29.html
As May 2012 begins you can have a sense of pride that you have graduated the first third of the most powerful year in prophesy. More than the personal challenges and global transitions we are experiencing during this monumental shift, we are all showing up day in and day out to seed the ideas and ideals that will flower in the new age coming. To this end, we are all powerful beings here right now and it is very important that we honor our talents and vision for the future as well as reach out to others to let them know we see what they are trying to do and validate it’s merit. I see you.
May opens with a SUPER FULL MOON in SCORPIO on the 5th that will be effectively more powerful and intense as it brings an emotional peak or ending around a sexual attraction or issue, divorce, reproductive matter, life and death situation, or some financially shared matter such as a loan, mortgage, inheritance, settlement, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, insurance or tax issue, commissions or royalties, or a partner’s money. You may be celebrating the achievements here as you wrap things up or you may be bringing things to a close. This may bring a relationship of import to color the situation as well as Mercury opposes Saturn today. So you will be face to face with someone over decisions, agreements, ideas, in talks or meetings, or writing and it will be serious as you look at commitment, endings, limits, responsibilities, or structuring things.
You have until the 9th to have your talks, make decisions, write, or deal with agreements that have a personal connection to you or involve your brand, name, image, ego, body, or identity. On the 9th Mercury moves into Taurus and you will have from now through the 24th to engage others in talks or meetings, write or deal with agreements, that focus on making money or increasing income, your possessions or acquisitions, building things, the pursuit of pleasure, and anything associated with your values/being valued.
From the get-go this month we are feeling the shadow of Venus Retrograde. After just coming off of an all year Mars Retrograde and a Mercury Retrograde that overlaid it last month, facing the other personal planet about to Retrograde seems like too much but the universe is wise, literally, it breathes Sophia, so trust that on the 15th when we all slip into the VENUS RETROGRADE that there is a reason to slow down or back-track in the love department so that any issues or ideas can be readdressed, reworked, revisited, or released. You have from now through June 27th to deal with this energy and it may mean someone from the past resurfacing so that you can see if there is any reason to re-establish the connection or it may mean someone currently in the picture pulls back for one reason or another so that the space can fill you in on some important aspect you would have overlooked.
Venus also rules our personal income and in Gemini there may be a need to revisit the ideas, writing, agreements, or offers from the past, take some meetings, have talks or make decisions regarding what was on the table then or what you should have done to make it work. Venus Retrograde is NOT the best time to have any NEW kind of beauty treatment, cosmetic surgery or to purchase luxury items or art unless the purchases are based on going back to an item you were interested in during the past or the surgery is about fixing or adding to work that was already begun in the past. It is a good time to research in these areas, visit and meet with anyone that can help you choose what you need, layaway or deposit, and book for the first of July.
The energy on the 16th is very powerful and involves two configurations with outer bodies. Jupiter inconjuncts Saturn so the desire to expand, grow, adventure, prosper, and seek happiness is all about earning money while the need to scale back, restrict, limit, take on more responsibility or face obligations, commit long term or end something, and deal with ambitions or authority figures is all about a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. As these two energetic come into perfection on the aspect today there will be a powerful need to make some adjustments so that your life is heading in the right direction here for you. Mars harmonizes with Pluto as well adding some powerful need to act on the work effort or pursuit, to organize or clean out, to analyze or attend to details, to deal with co-workers or employees, health or pets, and in this make the changes or transformations you are seeking with your goals, career, ambitions, or dealings with authority figures. This will not be a mellow day.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th where he will shine his light over the next 30 days. Today is also the NEW MOON in Gemini and this New Moon is a SOLAR ECLIPSE! This is a seriously big day for everyone. It cannot be more clear that it is time to start something new and with this it is time to eclipse out some old part of yourself that could get in the way of this new beginning. Gemini means this is all about ideas, writing, merchant interests, transportation or vehicles, short trips or local activities, brothers, sisters or neighbors, moves, agreements, talks and meetings, pitching stories, flirtations, duality, doing two things at once, learning, and big decisions. So set your intentions and make your moves in the next 2 weeks for best results, if you can think it, you can manifest it.
Mercury exits Taurus and joins the gang in Gemini on the 24th so from this day forward you are in a good position to sign the contracts, write or get your writing heard, pitch those ideas or hear news about the pitch, and in any other way bring the communications home. You may hear from that sibling or neighbor today, decide to buy a car or book a short jaunt to a nearby town, or start penning that novel.
The month wraps with inconjuncts from this Sun and Mercury position in Gemini to Pluto in Capricorn on the 28-29th. This means that the decisions you are making will push you hard during these days as you step up to do something ambitious, to make your move on the career front or with the boss, to deal with the authority figure or reach for a goal. If you need to sign papers or come to terms with anyone now it will mean negotiating and bending a bit or working around some issue that you can’t quantify yet. This is great motivating energy for the mind and any obstacles that you have felt regarding directions you are taking will be focal now as you see something else still needs to be worked out and you set out to make it happen. Offers that come in now will require some more tweaking or be so big that you will have to scramble in other areas to get it all together in time, not such a bad thing.
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The loan, debt, settlement, bankruptcy, mortgage, insurance, taxes, inheritance, alimony, child support, commission, royalty, partner’s money, divorce, or sexual interest/issue will come to a very big climax by the 5th. You will be celebrating achievements here or wrapping things up and ending them. Mercury and Saturn are active today amping up talks, decisions or agreements involving you and a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, expert, competitor, or opponent. It’s time to get serious, commit, end things, set some limits, or take on more responsibilities.
Talks pick up about income opportunities from the 9th through the 24th. This is your time to interview, audition, pitch money making ideas, sign contracts regarding earnings, ask for a raise, deal with possession or acquisitions, or get into talks about building something. You may find you are more interested in talking or meeting about pleasurable desires as well and someone could enter the picture now that embodies this idea.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th where she is about to take you back into the past to revisit lovers you left behind or rethink what you need in love. She will show up in your local arena so while you are out at the grocery or coffee house, at the bank or post office, and it’s your time to reconnect or release with past love. You may have an offer to make money come through now from some past opportunity or decide to pick up a past writing project, idea or agreement and rework it for money. If you are trying to land a love in your life or new income sources look to the past. You may also go back and deal with a vehicle, sibling, neighbor, or electronic issue from the past and try to smooth things over or rekindle the love or money situation there.
The 16th is powerful with a need to deal with a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor over income and a need to drive yourself and motivate around work, health and animal needs. You can reach goals today with some adjustments. If the other person tries to limit you or end something today regarding your income use it as a cosmic sign that you are to motivate now and go after something that can earn you a better salary or bottom line elsewhere.
The Sun moves into Gemini and there is a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini on the 20th. This is about you allowing this period to eclipse out some part of your idea of who you have been that is in any way getting in your way of starting fresh with new ideas, decisions, writing projects, signing of agreements, moves, local activities, getting into more short trips, dealing with vehicles or other transportation, connections with siblings or neighbors, or how you go about expressing yourself, handling talks or meetings, learning, or thinking about your life. You have two strong weeks to launch in fresh ways here and the Sun will illuminate your efforts for a full 30 days.
Mercury moves into Gemini on the 24th at which time the actual signing of contracts, negotiating, writing or pitch-fest, meeting or talk, decision or idea, interview or audition, will begin to lock in. This may bring an offer to the table now and you will definitely have the gift of gab so use it wisely. Come the 28/29th your ideas and decisions will be put to the test as you make any adjustments around power people or bosses, your career direction or ambitions, reputation or fame, and put yourself out there to forge ahead towards your desires.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of valuing yourself, setting a value on what you do, income, what you do for a living, possessions, acquisitions, building, and pleasure seeking. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May begins with a SUPER FULL MOON in your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 5th. This is a very powerful highpoint with a romantic or marriage partner, business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, competitor, or opponent. It is about a culmination of emotions that brings you to some big celebration or achievement or is an ending. Mercury and Saturn are in the mix so that you will be face to face with someone today over Karmic relationships, something that has been going on behind the scenes or in development, an artistic project, spiritual pursuit, clandestine romance, hospital matter, addiction, research project, or investigation and you will be committing or ending things tie to work, health or pets.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th where he will be focusing your thoughts, talks, meetings, decision making, and agreements on your own personal needs, body, image, or identity in life from now through the 24th. It’s a great time to meet with trainers, doctors, stylists, or to make choices about identity such as student, doctor, single, married, mother, or any other title that can change the direction of who you are.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th in your sign of earned income and she will remain in this backtracking motion through the 27th of June. This is your time to head back to some past money making venture to wrap it up or revisit any opportunity there, most likely this will be tied to a female or will have something to do with artistry, beauty, luxury, or building of something. You will see the pursuit of new love slow down or love energy ease up due to values or money making matters now or that you will be rethinking some love/income scenarios to see if there is a way to connect the two. Money may be important right now to what is occurring in your love life so look at the period to rethink, revisit, reconnect, or release issues or situations so that you are ready to move ahead in July.
The 16th is a powerful day for you as you delve into something that is very big for you personally but requires a lot of adjustment around a work project, health matter or the animals. This will show you the amount of responsibility or the limits to ambitions or dealing with the person in charge are going to be as you do what you can to push through it and expand your own personal desires for happiness or prosperity. Mars/Pluto are harmonious today but very powerful as well and will add to the mix by motivating you on creative projects or towards true love or the kids while aligning with the positive changes you wish to see legally, in a ceremony, with travel, media, marketing, publishing, or education.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini occur on the 20th. This is a very big new beginning that is marked by the need to eclipse out some past part of your identity tied to the way you make money in an effort to launch some new beginning here. You have two very strong weeks to pour efforts into money making ventures, seed new ones, let go of past notions of yourself here and embrace your future. The Sun will continue to illuminate who you are becoming for 30 days in all and this puts a spotlight on valuing yourself at a new level, building, experiencing the pleasures of life, and earning money.
Mercury follows into Gemini on the 24th at which time the actual offers, agreements, writing prospects, interviews, auditions, sales, purchases, income, and building ideas will kick into full gear. Take your meetings or have your talks from now forward. Take note that on the 28-29th of this month your income situation, values, building, or possessions will fall into an adjustment angle that will mean you will hit snags or need to field some outside influences to keep everything on track and for you this will mean handling powerful energy around legal, travel, ceremonial, media, marketing, publishing, or educational interests in the mix. If your ideas are sound then find ways to communicate needs or think outside the box.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of personal needs and desires, physical body, image, your identity in the world, name or brand, and ego needs. It’s really one of the most important years of over a decade for you to make changes on all levels to align yourself with the next 12 year growth spurt that begins with you reconnecting with your true self and opening up to what life has to offer. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
The month begins with a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio on the 5th and a very big emotional climax involving a work project, the job hunt, a service you provide, something involving a co-worker or employee, a health issue or interest, or your animals. This is bringing a celebration or achievement or you are seeing things wrap up and end. Your ruler Mercury, and Saturn are involved so you will be one on one with someone over the ideas, meetings, decisions, or writing involving a friend, group, astrology, the internet, or charity, and any serious matters involving creative flow, love or kids. It’s about getting real, committing or ending things, setting limits or taking on more responsibility.
Mercury moves out of fire where it has had your thoughts and ideas heated up in the last weeks and enters into earthly Taurus on the 9th marking a time when your thoughts will turn to inner processes, retreat and rest, working on some project behind the scenes or in development, researching, investigations, anything artistic, film, music, spiritual interests, dealings with hospitals, addictions, or any clandestine affairs or hidden romantic ideas. It’s a time when you will be in talks or meetings, writing or signing agreements, making short trips or getting more actively involved locally, dealing with vehicles or neighbors and siblings, all tied to these themes.
Venus is going to Retrograde on the 15th in your sign. You are the sign that is hosting the most auspicious love energy of our lives this summer and the universe has deemed it necessary that from now through the 27th you experience a slow-down or backtracking in areas of self love or personal agendas in love so that you can reconnect with anything that still needs to be worked through and release anything that is holding you back. Look at your body and how you are loving that or how your views of your lovability are affecting your physical issues. Look at your image or brand and anything you need to do to tweak the beauty or value here. Look at your identity, ie: married or single, and how you feel about love and these tags and revisit anyone or situation that is calling you here. You may decide to revisit a past lover or leave a current one or you may just decide that you can take it easy now since things are not quite so intense.
The 16th is powerful as you make a big push in the area of artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, behind the scenes development or research, dealings with hospitals or addictions, clandestine affairs or secrets, and at the same time deal with limits or responsibilities, burdens or restrictions, commitments or endings with a lover, child or creative project. Some type of adjustment is necessary here. Mars/Pluto join the party so action at home or passions playing out here are going to push you to make changes sexually, in a divorce or with the big financial picture. It’s good for getting the loan for the home improvement or move, real estate deal or family, it’s also good for holing up with someone sexy at home.
The Sun enters Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is huge for you. It means that some part of who you have been is being eclipsed out to make room for some new version of you that is coming into being and you have two strong weeks to initiate this fresh start. Look at your body, image, identity, ego needs, or personal desires, it’s time to take some steps towards what you want for yourself, is it time to propose or accept a proposal, hire a trainer or see a doctor, get a make-over or brand your image? Since Venus is Retrograde here at this auspicious new beginning you do want to go to people that you have looked into before or revisit past ideas that you just couldn’t get to before as you launch forward.
Mercury moves into Gemini on the 24th at which time you are ready to make your announcement or decision, sign the contract or say ‘yes’, start writing or take the meeting, and get yourself physically into the mix. Note that on the 28/29th there will be inconjuncts to this new you/direction so you will have to face something heavy and work through it. This will mean either facing something sexually, reproductively, in divorce, or with a loan, debt, settlement, insurance or tax matter, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or partner’s money. How you share is on the line.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of Karmic connections, clandestine romance, film, music, fine art, spiritual pursuits, yoga, meditation, magic, psychic abilities, addictions, hospitals, retreat, development behind the scenes on projects, research, and investigations. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May begins with a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio that is going to be bringing a big emotional climax for you with true love, a creative project, a speculative venture, recreational interest, or a child. This is powerful and all about celebrations of something achieved or endings here. Mercury and Saturn are involved so there will be one powerful talk or decision that involves the goals or direction of things and home, a move, real estate deals, family, or roommate situations. You could also have career or an authority figure in the mix here. It’s all about getting serious with them over commitments or endings, setting limits or taking on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th at which time your thoughts will turn more towards social interests, parties, event planning, communications with friends, groups, online, astrology, charities, and your aspirations. You will be writing or signing agreements involving these themes, meeting and in more talks, sharing ideas and making more short trips or into more local activities due to the connections.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and will continue in this motion until June 27th. It will be a time when you may be revisiting the past through someone you love in a hospital or dealing with addictions that affect love, there may be past Karmic matters to address in love during this time or a Karmic relationship can move into another chapter now, a past Karmic lover may return or a current one may exit, you may be pulling back to rest and rethink a connection or holing up in private with your love interest now, it may be about secrets in love coming up for review, a past music, film or other artistic project tied to love resurfacing or a current one exiting, a spiritual interest that in some way manifested love for you coming back around, or an investigation or research project that affected your love interest coming back into view. This is a mystical and Karmic part of your chart, one that has a stronger hand of Fate involved and one that you have less objective ability to see clearly or see things coming before they arrive so it is important to have a strong sense of who you are and what you want from love and to allow the flow to take you where you are meant to go. This period should be about feeling your feelings and then waiting until July 1st to make your move.
The 16th is a powerful day when your need to expand through aspirations, social connections, the internet, astrology, charities, friends, or groups will come up against limitations, responsibilities, commitments, or endings tied to home, moves, real estate, family, or roommates. Adjustments need to be made. Mars/Pluto are involved so there will be lots of motivation and passion behind talks, decisions, agreements, and meetings involving partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people. This is about positive albeit powerfully intense movement and change.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This means it’s one heck of a day for you in Karmic and magical new beginnings. You must eclipse something out of your past to start fresh and again, this has to do with a Karmic relationship, a film, music or fine art interest or project, a spiritual interest, yoga, meditation, magic, or psychic abilities, dealings with hospitals, addictions or self-sabotaging tendencies, research or investigations, or retreat and isolation. You have two strong weeks to move ahead here and know that the spotlight will be on you for 30 days in these areas.
Mercury joins the party in these areas on the 24th and at this time you will see offers coming in, begin to write things up, sign agreements, meetings and talks will get under way, and you may engage in more short trips or local activities tied to these themes. The 28/29th are important to note because on these days your choices involving Karmic or clandestine romances, hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, spiritual interests, research, investigations, and retreat will be put to the test a bit as you make adjustments with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. Look at how things are shared and what needs to change.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of friendships, group affiliations, internet projects or interests, astrology, charities, social networking, and your aspirations in life. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May kicks off with a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio and a huge peak for you at home, with a move, a real estate deal, a renovation, remodel, interior design, architecture, family matter, roommate, or property matter. This is about big celebrations or achievements or it’s about wrapping things up and endings. Mercury and Saturn join the party so you will be one on one with someone over legal matters, wedding ceremonies or proposals, travel plans, import/export, foreign interests, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, or higher education, and a choice needs to be made or an agreement signed. It’s time to commit or draw a line in the sand.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th at which time your thoughts will turn to career, prestige, status, reputation, fame, goals, ambition, dealings with bosses, dad or authority figures, and your leadership abilities. From now through the 24th you should focus in these areas and get talks or meetings underway, interview or audition, pitch ideas, write, sign agreements, or get out in local activities or through short trips.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and you will be heading back into past love or income potential through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or by looking at how your dreams and aspirations were influencing the outcome. It is time to reconnect with these past people or situations to see if there is some opportunity you may still pick up on or reason to be with someone here and it’s a great time to release any issues from the past. You have from now through June 27th to rework it. You may see a past friend or group resurface or a current one pull back, go back to that old internet sight or idea or look for love on an old dating site you were on before, you can go back to astrology to follow the signs to love or look at charity events you once participated in to bring love around, and in all these connections there may be potential to make money again with that old friend or one of these situations. Clear out any issues you still have here so that when everything goes forward in July you are ready to move ahead yourself.
The 16th is a powerful day when you will want to look at how your growth and expansion on the career front, with ambitious goals, reputation, status, or authority figures are working while dealing with news, talks, information, meetings, agreements, ideas, decisions, or writing that in some way is limiting, restricted, or focuses on responsibilities, commitments, or endings. An adjustment needs to be made. Mars/Pluto in the picture means that you are going to be very aggressive about making money and that there should be a way to transform the work situation because of it.
The Sun enters Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is really big for you with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. You need to eclipse something out from the past regarding how you think, talk, write, or make decisions regarding these social affiliations so that you can move ahead with fresh new beginnings. You have 2 strong weeks to meet new friends or start those new projects with them, join new groups, get your internet or astrology project out there, join the charity, and rethink the direction of your dreams. The Sun will keep you in the spotlight here for the next 30 days.
Mercury moves into this same arena on the 24th so from now forward you will be seeing offers come in, making the decisions, signing contracts, pitching ideas, writing, or in meetings and talks that take you forward with these people or situations. Note that on the 28/29th the decisions you make here will meet with some need to make a big change on the work front, with your organizational skills, co-workers, employees, health, or pets. Look for ways to adjust and transform.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of career, ambitions, goals, reputation, fame, dealings with bosses, authority figures, or dad, your leadership abilities, and status. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
It is a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio on the 5th that really kicks the month of May off on a bold new front and for you this is about a major culmination that comes via news, information, a talk, meeting, idea, sale, contract, writing project, proposal, brother, sister, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic, short trip, local activity, or decision. It is going to hit a high point in celebration and achievement or wrapping something up and endings. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so you will be one on one with someone over the financial interests. You need to talk about how outside resources or investments, debts or loans, or any other shared financial matter is affecting your income. For some of you a divorce or sexual attraction may be stirring up the need to confront values or spur you to earn more and the decision or talk reflects this. It’s time to commit or end things here, set limits or take on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th when your thoughts will turn to travel, foreign interests, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, legal matters, or higher education. Focus in on the talks or meetings, agreements and decisions you can make here from now through the 24th. You may see an offer come in around these themes as well.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th in your career Midheaven where she will continue her backward motion through June 27th. This period is about slowing down or catching up to goals and love, revisiting past directions in love, a career offer coming through a female you know from the past, a current female boss exiting the picture, wrapping up that project during this cycle or a past female boss returning, or revisiting past love goals or releasing current ones for the time being, and overall heading into a developmental stage with goals, ambitions, love, and income during this cycle. Your status or reputation may be affected by love during this phase as you reconnect with the past or let go of current situations on the career front or around goals and love.
The 16th is important because you will be looking at your need for growth and expansion via legal agreements, wedding ceremonies, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational interests while dealing with limits or responsibilities around earned income or possessions. An adjustment needs to be made. Mars/Pluto in the mix will bring personal or physical action from you that aligns powerfully with your creative side or projects or with true love or kids.
The Sun enters Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is huge for you because it occurs in your career Midheaven, the pinnacle of your chart. It means that from today forward over the next 2 weeks you must eclipse something out about your past career direction, ambition, goals, reputation, leadership, business, or with a boss or authority figure, in order that you can make a very big fresh start in new directions, with new business, ambitions, goals, and career agendas. You will have the Sun putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days here and it will motivate you to get out there and lead the way.
Mercury moves into this arena on the 24th so from this date forward you will be making new decisions, signing new contracts, hearing of offers, writing, or in new meetings and talks about career or goals. You must take note of the 28/29th because on these days your choices regarding career, ambitions, goals, and authority figures will come up powerfully as your desire to make changes involving true love, your creativity or kids comes into play. Look at what you can transform and be willing to make adjustments.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of legal interests, higher education, media, marketing, publishing, travel, foreign interests, import/export, ceremonies, adventure, and beliefs. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May begins with a SUPER FULL MOON on the 5th that is bringing a huge peak for you with income or possessions. This is about a celebration and achievement as you make the big bucks, get the check in the mail or the promotion, settle any issues with possessions or acquisitions, or it is about wrapping things up and ending something tied to your earning potential. Mercury/Saturn in the mix means serious talks, decisions or news regarding you and a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, expert, advocate, manager, producer, competitor, or opponent. It’s about getting real, setting limits or taking on more responsibility, committing to or ending something going on here.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and your thoughts turn to sex, divorce or dealing with the big financial situation. You have from now through the 24th to meet with others, talk or pitch ideas, write, sign agreements, or make decisions about sexual attractions or issues, the loan, debt, inheritance, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, insurance matter, taxes, settlement, commissions, royalties, partner’s money, or divorce.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and you will be heading back into the past to revisit a female through a trip, over a legal matter, at a ceremony, in media, publishing, marketing, or higher education, and it will be about love or money. You may see a past lover resurface through one of these arenas or a current one exit, a past money making situation play out legally or through foreign interests, import/export, travel, or your marketing ideas. From now through June 27th is your time to revisit, rework, reconnect, or release here. Don’t push new ventures as much as be ready to remeet your past or look at how your ability to love or earn influenced what is currently occurring here.
The 16th is powerful as you are face to face with your growth and expansion desires involving the sex, divorce or financial resources while dealing with any personal or physical limitations, responsibilities, commitments, or endings. You may need to deal with how you present yourself, your body, image, brand, identity, or ego and make some adjustments to lead yourself forward towards your goals here. Mars/Pluto will help you take action through some strategic or behind the scenes move that helps you feel more secure or transform that home or property matter.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini occur on the 20th. This is huge for you with new beginnings via legal interests, media, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, education, foreign interest, and travel. You must eclipse something out here that is tied to your old perception of yourself or how you have talked, written, or dealt with agreements so that you can start fresh with this powerful new start. You have 2 strong weeks to book the flight, sign up for the class or start teaching, set up the foreign interest, get your media or marketing campaign going, publish, or get your legal matter underway. The Sun will illuminate your place in these matters for a full 30 days and you shine.
Mercury joins the group here on the 24th and at this point you will be getting your offers or making your decisions, signing contracts or writing the story, pitching ideas or taking the meeting, in talks or getting the news. Take note that on the 28/29th you hit a bit of a glitch or things may seem a bit out of whack as you have to step up and get into the mix with the trip, legalities, media, marketing, publishing, ceremony, or educational interest while making some intense adjustment regarding home, property, moves, real estate, family, or roommates.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of loans, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance needs, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, mortgages, a partner’s money, divorce, sexual attractions, dealing with sexual issues, or reproductive needs. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
Well May begins with quite the sonic boom for Scorpio because it’s not just a Full Moon in your sign but a SUPER FULL MOON and it clocks in on the 5th. This will be bringing some very big high point for you that is about a personal achievement or celebration or an ending. You may be coming to the end of a diet or work-out regime, ending one form of identity such as married or single, getting the recognition you have worked towards, achieving a big goal you set out on, or seeing your image or brand hit a high mark. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so there is news, talks or decisions about work, co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets and something serious in the mix regarding what is going on behind the scenes, on a Karmic/Fated level, with artistic energy or projects, spiritual pursuits, institutions, addictions, clandestine affairs, research, or investigations. It’s time to commit or end things, set limits or take on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and thoughts turn to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents between now and the 24th. This is your time to meet, talk, pitch ideas, sign agreements, get your writing out there or start writing projects, get more involved locally or through short trips to meet them, and when you will make some decisions about who is significant and what you want to do about it. You may get an offer coming in from one or more of these people as well.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and she will remain in the motion through June 27th. This period will reflect retracing feelings of love or take you back to past love interests through the playing field of sexuality, divorce and shared assets. You will be releasing the past or reconnecting to see if something can be worked out here. Income will also be colored by this energy so looking at how a divorce or the loan, debt, settlement, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or partner’s money will play into the picture is important now. You may want to redefine love/sex connections during this phase so look at what is intimate and what feels like love where you are now.
The 16th is powerful as you will be dealing with growth and expansion energy around a romantic or marriage partner, a business partner, an agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, while dealing with something limiting or restrictive going on in secret, behind closed doors, with a clandestine affair, film, music or art project, spiritual interest, hospital, addiction, or research project. Time, age, responsibilities, commitments, and endings may be part of what you have to look at as you make adjustments to move closer to what you want. Mars/Pluto are in the mix so you will have drive behind aspirations, socializing, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities that help you to form powerful decisions or ideas, or take you further in writing or agreements.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new start for you with a sexual attraction, dealing with sexual or reproductive issues, through divorce, or with the outside financial resources. You have to eclipse something out from these areas that is holding you back from the past so that you can have this bold fresh start. You have 2 weeks to initiate the next level and the Sun will keep you in the spotlight here so that you can shine for the next 30 days.
Mercury joins the party on the 24th bringing the decisions and ideas to point, news or offers coming in, meetings and talks about sex, divorce or finances, agreements on the table, and more local activity or short trips tied to these themes. Note that the 28/29th will put your decisions about sex, divorce or finances up against some powerful adjustment that must take place and it has to do with your mind, agreements, travel nearby or out locally, vehicle, siblings, neighbors, or negotiations skills. Be willing to bend a bit but know what you need.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of romantic or marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, dealing with competitors or opponents, finding balance, equitable relationships, and harmony. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May brings a SUPER FULL MOON on the 5th that brings some high point to something you’ve been working on behind the scenes, with a film, music or art project, a spiritual interest, a clandestine affair, investigation, research project, or something dealing with a hospital or addiction. This is about celebrations and achievements here or about wrapping things up and endings. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so you will be in talks or hearing news, making a decision or signing agreements involving a lover or love interest, child, creative project, or recreational interest, and getting serious, setting limits, taking on more responsibility, committing long term to something, or ending something with a friend, group, internet interest, astrology, charity, or aspiration.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and your thoughts will turn to work, health and animals in the weeks ahead. From now through the 24th you can interview, audition, sign agreements, getting writing gigs, pitch ideas at work, get a new co-worker or employee, start a new job, sign up for the gym, get a trainer, start a diet, get a doctor’s advice, adopt a pet, or make decisions that take you forward in these areas.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th through June 27th and this period is going to be important for you. Venus rules love and income and women and she is taking you into the past through partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, and opponents. You can expect to be revisiting past people or situations here, releasing some current ones, and reworking any issues around love or money that you feel are in the way with these significant people or through their efforts. It’s important to revisit, reconnect or release now.
Your ruling energy is in aspect with another major outer body energy on the 16th and it is a big time for you to look at how growth, prosperity and expansion are going with your work, health or pets, while addressing any limits, responsibilities, burdens, commitments, or endings involving friends, a group, the internet, astrology, or charities. Something needs to be adjusted. Mars/Pluto in the mix means that you will have lots of motivation to go after a career agenda or goal, or deal with a boss or authority figure regarding income.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new beginning for you with partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, and any other significant person. First you have to eclipse something out from the past that is holding you back from making this fresh start. You have 2 strong weeks to take things to the next level with a romantic or marriage partner, a business partner, representative, opponent, or specialist, or to go out and make new contacts and start new relationships, all the while releasing the past situation, person or issue. The Sun will keep his spotlight on you in this for the next 30 days. It may be that one of these people in your life experiences a loss as something is eclipsed for them and you will know that this is about their new beginning and the way being cleared for that to happen.
Mercury moves into this part of your chart on the 24th and you will be ready to make announcements, decisions, sign contracts, write things up, pitch ideas, meet, talk, or get out there locally or through more short trips to make these relationships float. Take note that on the 28/29th there will be a need to deal with some big income issue here or you may have to spread yourself between making money and dealing with the partner, representative or competitor. Look for ways to empower, transform and make adjustments.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of work, organization, skill set, detailed efforts, analysis, services you want to offer, co-workers, employees, health, and pets/animal interests. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
A SUPER FULL MOON in your social arena on the 5th kicks off the month of May with a bang. This is about a high point with a friend, a party, social event, social networking matter, group affiliation or activity, internet project or interest, astrology, a charity, or one of your big aspirations in life. You will see celebrations and achievements here or mark endings and wrapping things up. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so you will be one on one with someone through talks, meetings, writing, agreements, or decisions that affect home, a move, real estate, family, or roommates, and serious matters on the career front, with direction, a goal, ambition, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority figures. It’s time to commit or end things, set limits or take on more responsilibity.
Mercury moves into fellow earth sign Taurus on the 9th and thoughts turn to true love, the kids, your creative projects and interests, recreational activities, and speculative interests. From now through the 24th you can meet, talk, write, or sign agreements involving these themes but when it comes to speculation keep it within the parameters of your safety zone. You may hear of a declaration of love or a proposal now, meet someone new who blows your socks off, get a creative offer or idea, or hear news about the children.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and she will be backtracking from now through June 27th. This means you are about to head back into past love or income matters that play out with women at work, past co-workers, employees, services, or around past income issues on the job. You will also be revisiting how your health and love intermingle, if you need to love yourself more and take care of any issues involving your body, if caring for another’s health issues is affecting love, how your income situation has stirred love in the past, and if you need to get back in touch with your love of a dog or cat or any other pet or animal interest. It’s a time to reconnect, rework and release in these areas. If you feel income flow slows during this phase at work look to past clients, co-workers, or places you hit in your routine to find it.
The 16th is big because two outer bodies are going to stir it up and this means you will be looking at growth and expansion, prosperity and happiness via your love interests, children and creative projects, while also looking at any limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings involving career, a boss, authority figure, or goal. You need to make an adjustment here. Mars/Pluto will gear you up to get active on some legal, travel, ceremonial, educational, media, marketing, or publishing matter today that will help transform or empower you.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new beginning for you on the work front, with a co-worker, employee, service, health matter, or animal interest but first you must eclipse something out from the past that could be holding you back from fresh starts. You have 2 strong weeks to launch new job searches, pitch new ideas on the job, hire new co-workers or employees, start the diet or work-out regime, or adopt the pet. The Sun will keep his spotlight on you in these areas for a full 30 days and help you shine as well as release the past.
Mercury moves into these arenas on the 24th and offers start coming in, you are signing contracts, pitching ideas, writing, in meetings, talks, and making decisions now about the job, work at home, organizational interests, skill set, co-workers, employees, services, details, health, and pets. Note that on the 28/29th you will need to deal with some kind of powerful adjustment involving yourself, your body, image, identity, name, brand, ego, or personal needs. Again it’s about empowering and transforming.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of true love, through lovers, in the pursuit of love, with children, in creative ventures or talents, speculation (within your safety zone), and recreational interests. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
It’s a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio on the 5th that will have you feeling it as May begins Aquarius! This is a culmination of some major goal, a summit, a peak, with career matters, an ambitious project, a boss, authority figure, your reputation, fame, status, or your leadership abilities. You will be celebrating achievements or marking a big ending at this time as you wrap things up and prepare for what’s next. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so talks, news, decisions, writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, sales, or ideas, and the legal, travel, distance, ceremony, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matter will color what is going on here. It’s time to commit, end things, set limits, or take on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and thoughts turn to home, a move, a real estate matter, roommate situation, or family issues in the days ahead. You have from now through the 24th to have the talks or make the decisions here, to sign agreements, write things up, or amp up the energy in the local scene or through short trips to make things happen.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and will remain in this backtracking motion through June 27th. This period will coincide with revisiting, issues, people, situations, and ideas about love, creative projects or kids. You may have a lover from the past return or a current one exit during this phase, or you could decide to pick back up on a creative venture that got derailed to see if it has merit now or some current creative outlet could slow down or end, and anything you wish to rework with the kids finds some light now. Check in to see if you are being loved in the way your evolving heart needs to receive it and if you are giving love from it’s highest place in these situations. Look at how your income is being affected by creative projects, lovers and children as well, it’s an incubation stage that can help you get a handle on understanding this so that when the energy goes forward you are ready to as well.
The 16th is a powerful day when you look at growth and expansion that is going on at home, with a move, real estate deal, or a roommate or family situation, while dealing with limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings occurring far away or with a long distance trip, legal actions or agreements, ceremonies, higher education, media, marketing, or publishing. You need to make an adjustment. Mars/Pluto join the energy giving you lots of energy to make something happen with the divorce or financial arrangement or it will fuel your passions sexually, see what you can put into play.
The Sun enters Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new beginning for you in true love, with kids or a creative project. You need to eclipse something out in one of these areas to have your fresh start and in the dual sign of Gemini it may be that you have more than one option you have been toying with, note that you really should make a choice at this point for the best forward growth. You have 2 strong weeks to put this into play and the Sun will keep his light on you for a full 30 days in the pursuit of love, time with kids or creative ventures so step up and lead your life forward here.
Mercury enters the same realm on the 24th and you will now begin to see offers coming in, agreements to sign, decisions to make, the talks and meetings pick up, and ideas coming to life involving your love life, lover, love interests, children, and creative projects or interests. Note that on the 28/29th you will see a high point in all of this regarding something that is going on in secret or behind the scenes, tied to a hospital or addiction, film, music or art interest, spiritual interest, research or investigation, or retreat and isolation. You will need to make some concessions or bend a bit in the way you are thinking or communicating about everything, possibly in the choices you are making.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of home, moves, real estate deals, dealing with early childhood issues, mom, family, roommates, and property. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
The SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio on the 5th is going to be a huge high point for you involving a legal matter, ceremony, media or marketing interest, publishing deal, trip, import/export opportunity, foreign interest, religious belief, adventure, or educational interest. It’s the place of the higher mind reaching a culmination and a time when you will be celebrating achievements in these realms or marking endings tied to them. Mercury/Saturn join the festivities so talks, news or decisions involving your income or spending, possessions or values, will bring you face to face with someone over the bigger financial picture or outside financial resource, the sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need, divorce, or mortality matter. It’s time to commit, end things, set limits, or take on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and you will see communications pick up greatly. This may mean that from now through the 24th you are fielding more offers, in more talks, meetings, dealing with some agreements, speaking roles, auditions, interviews, sales, pitches, writing projects, or decision making. You may also turn your attention to transportation issues, vehicles, short trips, more local activities, siblings, neighbors, or electronics.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and you begin a period from now through June 27th or revisiting the past love or income matters tied to your home, a move, real estate, family, roommates, and property interests. You may be releasing something here during this phase or reworking things so that you can move forward in July in a more secure fashion. You could see love withdraw from the home or return to the home, and income tied to home or property slow down giving you time to reinvent what you are doing here. Family or mom in particular could need your attention during this phase as some income or love issues return to be dealt with or there could be some withdrawal that is necessary at this point, same with the roommate situation. You need to ask yourself how any of these themes are affecting your ability to express and accept love in your life and what you can work on, going all the way back to your early childhood, so that you are free to embrace the love you deserve after this transit.
The 16th is powerful as you look at the growth and expansion you are feeling around your way of thinking, writing, expressing your ideas, and any agreements that are opening up your world, while dealing with limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings tied to loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, divorce, sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, settlements, commissions, royalties, insurance, mortgages, taxes, or other financial resources. An adjustment is necessary. Mars/Pluto join the party so you will be motivated to make something happen with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, making changes or empowering yourself through the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new beginning for you but one that is based on eclipsing something out first. It is happening in the arena of home, moves, real estate, family, roommates, early childhood issues, and your sense of security or roots. Look to these areas for fresh starts and be willing to seal a chapter behind you. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate here and the Sun will illuminate your role in things for a full 30 days, shine on!
Mercury enters the picture on the 24th and you will now be able to make announcements about home, moves, family, roommates, or real estate, or get the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, and decision making moving ahead here. Note that on the 28/29th you will be dealing with this in some crazy way as you make a big adjustment involving the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or an aspiration of yours. Keep the lines of communications open, be willing to bend or negotiate, adapt and adjust, and step up to lead yourself forward as best you can.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of writing, the agreements you can sign, speaking roles, sales, talks and meetings, big ideas, decision making, local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
As May 2012 begins you can have a sense of pride that you have graduated the first third of the most powerful year in prophesy. More than the personal challenges and global transitions we are experiencing during this monumental shift, we are all showing up day in and day out to seed the ideas and ideals that will flower in the new age coming. To this end, we are all powerful beings here right now and it is very important that we honor our talents and vision for the future as well as reach out to others to let them know we see what they are trying to do and validate it’s merit. I see you.
May opens with a SUPER FULL MOON in SCORPIO on the 5th that will be effectively more powerful and intense as it brings an emotional peak or ending around a sexual attraction or issue, divorce, reproductive matter, life and death situation, or some financially shared matter such as a loan, mortgage, inheritance, settlement, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, insurance or tax issue, commissions or royalties, or a partner’s money. You may be celebrating the achievements here as you wrap things up or you may be bringing things to a close. This may bring a relationship of import to color the situation as well as Mercury opposes Saturn today. So you will be face to face with someone over decisions, agreements, ideas, in talks or meetings, or writing and it will be serious as you look at commitment, endings, limits, responsibilities, or structuring things.
You have until the 9th to have your talks, make decisions, write, or deal with agreements that have a personal connection to you or involve your brand, name, image, ego, body, or identity. On the 9th Mercury moves into Taurus and you will have from now through the 24th to engage others in talks or meetings, write or deal with agreements, that focus on making money or increasing income, your possessions or acquisitions, building things, the pursuit of pleasure, and anything associated with your values/being valued.
From the get-go this month we are feeling the shadow of Venus Retrograde. After just coming off of an all year Mars Retrograde and a Mercury Retrograde that overlaid it last month, facing the other personal planet about to Retrograde seems like too much but the universe is wise, literally, it breathes Sophia, so trust that on the 15th when we all slip into the VENUS RETROGRADE that there is a reason to slow down or back-track in the love department so that any issues or ideas can be readdressed, reworked, revisited, or released. You have from now through June 27th to deal with this energy and it may mean someone from the past resurfacing so that you can see if there is any reason to re-establish the connection or it may mean someone currently in the picture pulls back for one reason or another so that the space can fill you in on some important aspect you would have overlooked.
Venus also rules our personal income and in Gemini there may be a need to revisit the ideas, writing, agreements, or offers from the past, take some meetings, have talks or make decisions regarding what was on the table then or what you should have done to make it work. Venus Retrograde is NOT the best time to have any NEW kind of beauty treatment, cosmetic surgery or to purchase luxury items or art unless the purchases are based on going back to an item you were interested in during the past or the surgery is about fixing or adding to work that was already begun in the past. It is a good time to research in these areas, visit and meet with anyone that can help you choose what you need, layaway or deposit, and book for the first of July.
The energy on the 16th is very powerful and involves two configurations with outer bodies. Jupiter inconjuncts Saturn so the desire to expand, grow, adventure, prosper, and seek happiness is all about earning money while the need to scale back, restrict, limit, take on more responsibility or face obligations, commit long term or end something, and deal with ambitions or authority figures is all about a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. As these two energetic come into perfection on the aspect today there will be a powerful need to make some adjustments so that your life is heading in the right direction here for you. Mars harmonizes with Pluto as well adding some powerful need to act on the work effort or pursuit, to organize or clean out, to analyze or attend to details, to deal with co-workers or employees, health or pets, and in this make the changes or transformations you are seeking with your goals, career, ambitions, or dealings with authority figures. This will not be a mellow day.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th where he will shine his light over the next 30 days. Today is also the NEW MOON in Gemini and this New Moon is a SOLAR ECLIPSE! This is a seriously big day for everyone. It cannot be more clear that it is time to start something new and with this it is time to eclipse out some old part of yourself that could get in the way of this new beginning. Gemini means this is all about ideas, writing, merchant interests, transportation or vehicles, short trips or local activities, brothers, sisters or neighbors, moves, agreements, talks and meetings, pitching stories, flirtations, duality, doing two things at once, learning, and big decisions. So set your intentions and make your moves in the next 2 weeks for best results, if you can think it, you can manifest it.
Mercury exits Taurus and joins the gang in Gemini on the 24th so from this day forward you are in a good position to sign the contracts, write or get your writing heard, pitch those ideas or hear news about the pitch, and in any other way bring the communications home. You may hear from that sibling or neighbor today, decide to buy a car or book a short jaunt to a nearby town, or start penning that novel.
The month wraps with inconjuncts from this Sun and Mercury position in Gemini to Pluto in Capricorn on the 28-29th. This means that the decisions you are making will push you hard during these days as you step up to do something ambitious, to make your move on the career front or with the boss, to deal with the authority figure or reach for a goal. If you need to sign papers or come to terms with anyone now it will mean negotiating and bending a bit or working around some issue that you can’t quantify yet. This is great motivating energy for the mind and any obstacles that you have felt regarding directions you are taking will be focal now as you see something else still needs to be worked out and you set out to make it happen. Offers that come in now will require some more tweaking or be so big that you will have to scramble in other areas to get it all together in time, not such a bad thing.
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The loan, debt, settlement, bankruptcy, mortgage, insurance, taxes, inheritance, alimony, child support, commission, royalty, partner’s money, divorce, or sexual interest/issue will come to a very big climax by the 5th. You will be celebrating achievements here or wrapping things up and ending them. Mercury and Saturn are active today amping up talks, decisions or agreements involving you and a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, expert, competitor, or opponent. It’s time to get serious, commit, end things, set some limits, or take on more responsibilities.
Talks pick up about income opportunities from the 9th through the 24th. This is your time to interview, audition, pitch money making ideas, sign contracts regarding earnings, ask for a raise, deal with possession or acquisitions, or get into talks about building something. You may find you are more interested in talking or meeting about pleasurable desires as well and someone could enter the picture now that embodies this idea.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th where she is about to take you back into the past to revisit lovers you left behind or rethink what you need in love. She will show up in your local arena so while you are out at the grocery or coffee house, at the bank or post office, and it’s your time to reconnect or release with past love. You may have an offer to make money come through now from some past opportunity or decide to pick up a past writing project, idea or agreement and rework it for money. If you are trying to land a love in your life or new income sources look to the past. You may also go back and deal with a vehicle, sibling, neighbor, or electronic issue from the past and try to smooth things over or rekindle the love or money situation there.
The 16th is powerful with a need to deal with a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor over income and a need to drive yourself and motivate around work, health and animal needs. You can reach goals today with some adjustments. If the other person tries to limit you or end something today regarding your income use it as a cosmic sign that you are to motivate now and go after something that can earn you a better salary or bottom line elsewhere.
The Sun moves into Gemini and there is a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini on the 20th. This is about you allowing this period to eclipse out some part of your idea of who you have been that is in any way getting in your way of starting fresh with new ideas, decisions, writing projects, signing of agreements, moves, local activities, getting into more short trips, dealing with vehicles or other transportation, connections with siblings or neighbors, or how you go about expressing yourself, handling talks or meetings, learning, or thinking about your life. You have two strong weeks to launch in fresh ways here and the Sun will illuminate your efforts for a full 30 days.
Mercury moves into Gemini on the 24th at which time the actual signing of contracts, negotiating, writing or pitch-fest, meeting or talk, decision or idea, interview or audition, will begin to lock in. This may bring an offer to the table now and you will definitely have the gift of gab so use it wisely. Come the 28/29th your ideas and decisions will be put to the test as you make any adjustments around power people or bosses, your career direction or ambitions, reputation or fame, and put yourself out there to forge ahead towards your desires.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of valuing yourself, setting a value on what you do, income, what you do for a living, possessions, acquisitions, building, and pleasure seeking. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May begins with a SUPER FULL MOON in your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 5th. This is a very powerful highpoint with a romantic or marriage partner, business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, competitor, or opponent. It is about a culmination of emotions that brings you to some big celebration or achievement or is an ending. Mercury and Saturn are in the mix so that you will be face to face with someone today over Karmic relationships, something that has been going on behind the scenes or in development, an artistic project, spiritual pursuit, clandestine romance, hospital matter, addiction, research project, or investigation and you will be committing or ending things tie to work, health or pets.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th where he will be focusing your thoughts, talks, meetings, decision making, and agreements on your own personal needs, body, image, or identity in life from now through the 24th. It’s a great time to meet with trainers, doctors, stylists, or to make choices about identity such as student, doctor, single, married, mother, or any other title that can change the direction of who you are.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th in your sign of earned income and she will remain in this backtracking motion through the 27th of June. This is your time to head back to some past money making venture to wrap it up or revisit any opportunity there, most likely this will be tied to a female or will have something to do with artistry, beauty, luxury, or building of something. You will see the pursuit of new love slow down or love energy ease up due to values or money making matters now or that you will be rethinking some love/income scenarios to see if there is a way to connect the two. Money may be important right now to what is occurring in your love life so look at the period to rethink, revisit, reconnect, or release issues or situations so that you are ready to move ahead in July.
The 16th is a powerful day for you as you delve into something that is very big for you personally but requires a lot of adjustment around a work project, health matter or the animals. This will show you the amount of responsibility or the limits to ambitions or dealing with the person in charge are going to be as you do what you can to push through it and expand your own personal desires for happiness or prosperity. Mars/Pluto are harmonious today but very powerful as well and will add to the mix by motivating you on creative projects or towards true love or the kids while aligning with the positive changes you wish to see legally, in a ceremony, with travel, media, marketing, publishing, or education.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini occur on the 20th. This is a very big new beginning that is marked by the need to eclipse out some past part of your identity tied to the way you make money in an effort to launch some new beginning here. You have two very strong weeks to pour efforts into money making ventures, seed new ones, let go of past notions of yourself here and embrace your future. The Sun will continue to illuminate who you are becoming for 30 days in all and this puts a spotlight on valuing yourself at a new level, building, experiencing the pleasures of life, and earning money.
Mercury follows into Gemini on the 24th at which time the actual offers, agreements, writing prospects, interviews, auditions, sales, purchases, income, and building ideas will kick into full gear. Take your meetings or have your talks from now forward. Take note that on the 28-29th of this month your income situation, values, building, or possessions will fall into an adjustment angle that will mean you will hit snags or need to field some outside influences to keep everything on track and for you this will mean handling powerful energy around legal, travel, ceremonial, media, marketing, publishing, or educational interests in the mix. If your ideas are sound then find ways to communicate needs or think outside the box.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of personal needs and desires, physical body, image, your identity in the world, name or brand, and ego needs. It’s really one of the most important years of over a decade for you to make changes on all levels to align yourself with the next 12 year growth spurt that begins with you reconnecting with your true self and opening up to what life has to offer. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
The month begins with a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio on the 5th and a very big emotional climax involving a work project, the job hunt, a service you provide, something involving a co-worker or employee, a health issue or interest, or your animals. This is bringing a celebration or achievement or you are seeing things wrap up and end. Your ruler Mercury, and Saturn are involved so you will be one on one with someone over the ideas, meetings, decisions, or writing involving a friend, group, astrology, the internet, or charity, and any serious matters involving creative flow, love or kids. It’s about getting real, committing or ending things, setting limits or taking on more responsibility.
Mercury moves out of fire where it has had your thoughts and ideas heated up in the last weeks and enters into earthly Taurus on the 9th marking a time when your thoughts will turn to inner processes, retreat and rest, working on some project behind the scenes or in development, researching, investigations, anything artistic, film, music, spiritual interests, dealings with hospitals, addictions, or any clandestine affairs or hidden romantic ideas. It’s a time when you will be in talks or meetings, writing or signing agreements, making short trips or getting more actively involved locally, dealing with vehicles or neighbors and siblings, all tied to these themes.
Venus is going to Retrograde on the 15th in your sign. You are the sign that is hosting the most auspicious love energy of our lives this summer and the universe has deemed it necessary that from now through the 27th you experience a slow-down or backtracking in areas of self love or personal agendas in love so that you can reconnect with anything that still needs to be worked through and release anything that is holding you back. Look at your body and how you are loving that or how your views of your lovability are affecting your physical issues. Look at your image or brand and anything you need to do to tweak the beauty or value here. Look at your identity, ie: married or single, and how you feel about love and these tags and revisit anyone or situation that is calling you here. You may decide to revisit a past lover or leave a current one or you may just decide that you can take it easy now since things are not quite so intense.
The 16th is powerful as you make a big push in the area of artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, behind the scenes development or research, dealings with hospitals or addictions, clandestine affairs or secrets, and at the same time deal with limits or responsibilities, burdens or restrictions, commitments or endings with a lover, child or creative project. Some type of adjustment is necessary here. Mars/Pluto join the party so action at home or passions playing out here are going to push you to make changes sexually, in a divorce or with the big financial picture. It’s good for getting the loan for the home improvement or move, real estate deal or family, it’s also good for holing up with someone sexy at home.
The Sun enters Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is huge for you. It means that some part of who you have been is being eclipsed out to make room for some new version of you that is coming into being and you have two strong weeks to initiate this fresh start. Look at your body, image, identity, ego needs, or personal desires, it’s time to take some steps towards what you want for yourself, is it time to propose or accept a proposal, hire a trainer or see a doctor, get a make-over or brand your image? Since Venus is Retrograde here at this auspicious new beginning you do want to go to people that you have looked into before or revisit past ideas that you just couldn’t get to before as you launch forward.
Mercury moves into Gemini on the 24th at which time you are ready to make your announcement or decision, sign the contract or say ‘yes’, start writing or take the meeting, and get yourself physically into the mix. Note that on the 28/29th there will be inconjuncts to this new you/direction so you will have to face something heavy and work through it. This will mean either facing something sexually, reproductively, in divorce, or with a loan, debt, settlement, insurance or tax matter, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or partner’s money. How you share is on the line.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of Karmic connections, clandestine romance, film, music, fine art, spiritual pursuits, yoga, meditation, magic, psychic abilities, addictions, hospitals, retreat, development behind the scenes on projects, research, and investigations. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May begins with a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio that is going to be bringing a big emotional climax for you with true love, a creative project, a speculative venture, recreational interest, or a child. This is powerful and all about celebrations of something achieved or endings here. Mercury and Saturn are involved so there will be one powerful talk or decision that involves the goals or direction of things and home, a move, real estate deals, family, or roommate situations. You could also have career or an authority figure in the mix here. It’s all about getting serious with them over commitments or endings, setting limits or taking on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th at which time your thoughts will turn more towards social interests, parties, event planning, communications with friends, groups, online, astrology, charities, and your aspirations. You will be writing or signing agreements involving these themes, meeting and in more talks, sharing ideas and making more short trips or into more local activities due to the connections.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and will continue in this motion until June 27th. It will be a time when you may be revisiting the past through someone you love in a hospital or dealing with addictions that affect love, there may be past Karmic matters to address in love during this time or a Karmic relationship can move into another chapter now, a past Karmic lover may return or a current one may exit, you may be pulling back to rest and rethink a connection or holing up in private with your love interest now, it may be about secrets in love coming up for review, a past music, film or other artistic project tied to love resurfacing or a current one exiting, a spiritual interest that in some way manifested love for you coming back around, or an investigation or research project that affected your love interest coming back into view. This is a mystical and Karmic part of your chart, one that has a stronger hand of Fate involved and one that you have less objective ability to see clearly or see things coming before they arrive so it is important to have a strong sense of who you are and what you want from love and to allow the flow to take you where you are meant to go. This period should be about feeling your feelings and then waiting until July 1st to make your move.
The 16th is a powerful day when your need to expand through aspirations, social connections, the internet, astrology, charities, friends, or groups will come up against limitations, responsibilities, commitments, or endings tied to home, moves, real estate, family, or roommates. Adjustments need to be made. Mars/Pluto are involved so there will be lots of motivation and passion behind talks, decisions, agreements, and meetings involving partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people. This is about positive albeit powerfully intense movement and change.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This means it’s one heck of a day for you in Karmic and magical new beginnings. You must eclipse something out of your past to start fresh and again, this has to do with a Karmic relationship, a film, music or fine art interest or project, a spiritual interest, yoga, meditation, magic, or psychic abilities, dealings with hospitals, addictions or self-sabotaging tendencies, research or investigations, or retreat and isolation. You have two strong weeks to move ahead here and know that the spotlight will be on you for 30 days in these areas.
Mercury joins the party in these areas on the 24th and at this time you will see offers coming in, begin to write things up, sign agreements, meetings and talks will get under way, and you may engage in more short trips or local activities tied to these themes. The 28/29th are important to note because on these days your choices involving Karmic or clandestine romances, hospitals, addictions, film, music, art, spiritual interests, research, investigations, and retreat will be put to the test a bit as you make adjustments with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. Look at how things are shared and what needs to change.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of friendships, group affiliations, internet projects or interests, astrology, charities, social networking, and your aspirations in life. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May kicks off with a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio and a huge peak for you at home, with a move, a real estate deal, a renovation, remodel, interior design, architecture, family matter, roommate, or property matter. This is about big celebrations or achievements or it’s about wrapping things up and endings. Mercury and Saturn join the party so you will be one on one with someone over legal matters, wedding ceremonies or proposals, travel plans, import/export, foreign interests, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, or higher education, and a choice needs to be made or an agreement signed. It’s time to commit or draw a line in the sand.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th at which time your thoughts will turn to career, prestige, status, reputation, fame, goals, ambition, dealings with bosses, dad or authority figures, and your leadership abilities. From now through the 24th you should focus in these areas and get talks or meetings underway, interview or audition, pitch ideas, write, sign agreements, or get out in local activities or through short trips.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and you will be heading back into past love or income potential through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or by looking at how your dreams and aspirations were influencing the outcome. It is time to reconnect with these past people or situations to see if there is some opportunity you may still pick up on or reason to be with someone here and it’s a great time to release any issues from the past. You have from now through June 27th to rework it. You may see a past friend or group resurface or a current one pull back, go back to that old internet sight or idea or look for love on an old dating site you were on before, you can go back to astrology to follow the signs to love or look at charity events you once participated in to bring love around, and in all these connections there may be potential to make money again with that old friend or one of these situations. Clear out any issues you still have here so that when everything goes forward in July you are ready to move ahead yourself.
The 16th is a powerful day when you will want to look at how your growth and expansion on the career front, with ambitious goals, reputation, status, or authority figures are working while dealing with news, talks, information, meetings, agreements, ideas, decisions, or writing that in some way is limiting, restricted, or focuses on responsibilities, commitments, or endings. An adjustment needs to be made. Mars/Pluto in the picture means that you are going to be very aggressive about making money and that there should be a way to transform the work situation because of it.
The Sun enters Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is really big for you with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. You need to eclipse something out from the past regarding how you think, talk, write, or make decisions regarding these social affiliations so that you can move ahead with fresh new beginnings. You have 2 strong weeks to meet new friends or start those new projects with them, join new groups, get your internet or astrology project out there, join the charity, and rethink the direction of your dreams. The Sun will keep you in the spotlight here for the next 30 days.
Mercury moves into this same arena on the 24th so from now forward you will be seeing offers come in, making the decisions, signing contracts, pitching ideas, writing, or in meetings and talks that take you forward with these people or situations. Note that on the 28/29th the decisions you make here will meet with some need to make a big change on the work front, with your organizational skills, co-workers, employees, health, or pets. Look for ways to adjust and transform.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of career, ambitions, goals, reputation, fame, dealings with bosses, authority figures, or dad, your leadership abilities, and status. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
It is a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio on the 5th that really kicks the month of May off on a bold new front and for you this is about a major culmination that comes via news, information, a talk, meeting, idea, sale, contract, writing project, proposal, brother, sister, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic, short trip, local activity, or decision. It is going to hit a high point in celebration and achievement or wrapping something up and endings. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so you will be one on one with someone over the financial interests. You need to talk about how outside resources or investments, debts or loans, or any other shared financial matter is affecting your income. For some of you a divorce or sexual attraction may be stirring up the need to confront values or spur you to earn more and the decision or talk reflects this. It’s time to commit or end things here, set limits or take on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th when your thoughts will turn to travel, foreign interests, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, legal matters, or higher education. Focus in on the talks or meetings, agreements and decisions you can make here from now through the 24th. You may see an offer come in around these themes as well.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th in your career Midheaven where she will continue her backward motion through June 27th. This period is about slowing down or catching up to goals and love, revisiting past directions in love, a career offer coming through a female you know from the past, a current female boss exiting the picture, wrapping up that project during this cycle or a past female boss returning, or revisiting past love goals or releasing current ones for the time being, and overall heading into a developmental stage with goals, ambitions, love, and income during this cycle. Your status or reputation may be affected by love during this phase as you reconnect with the past or let go of current situations on the career front or around goals and love.
The 16th is important because you will be looking at your need for growth and expansion via legal agreements, wedding ceremonies, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational interests while dealing with limits or responsibilities around earned income or possessions. An adjustment needs to be made. Mars/Pluto in the mix will bring personal or physical action from you that aligns powerfully with your creative side or projects or with true love or kids.
The Sun enters Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is huge for you because it occurs in your career Midheaven, the pinnacle of your chart. It means that from today forward over the next 2 weeks you must eclipse something out about your past career direction, ambition, goals, reputation, leadership, business, or with a boss or authority figure, in order that you can make a very big fresh start in new directions, with new business, ambitions, goals, and career agendas. You will have the Sun putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days here and it will motivate you to get out there and lead the way.
Mercury moves into this arena on the 24th so from this date forward you will be making new decisions, signing new contracts, hearing of offers, writing, or in new meetings and talks about career or goals. You must take note of the 28/29th because on these days your choices regarding career, ambitions, goals, and authority figures will come up powerfully as your desire to make changes involving true love, your creativity or kids comes into play. Look at what you can transform and be willing to make adjustments.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of legal interests, higher education, media, marketing, publishing, travel, foreign interests, import/export, ceremonies, adventure, and beliefs. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May begins with a SUPER FULL MOON on the 5th that is bringing a huge peak for you with income or possessions. This is about a celebration and achievement as you make the big bucks, get the check in the mail or the promotion, settle any issues with possessions or acquisitions, or it is about wrapping things up and ending something tied to your earning potential. Mercury/Saturn in the mix means serious talks, decisions or news regarding you and a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, expert, advocate, manager, producer, competitor, or opponent. It’s about getting real, setting limits or taking on more responsibility, committing to or ending something going on here.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and your thoughts turn to sex, divorce or dealing with the big financial situation. You have from now through the 24th to meet with others, talk or pitch ideas, write, sign agreements, or make decisions about sexual attractions or issues, the loan, debt, inheritance, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, insurance matter, taxes, settlement, commissions, royalties, partner’s money, or divorce.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and you will be heading back into the past to revisit a female through a trip, over a legal matter, at a ceremony, in media, publishing, marketing, or higher education, and it will be about love or money. You may see a past lover resurface through one of these arenas or a current one exit, a past money making situation play out legally or through foreign interests, import/export, travel, or your marketing ideas. From now through June 27th is your time to revisit, rework, reconnect, or release here. Don’t push new ventures as much as be ready to remeet your past or look at how your ability to love or earn influenced what is currently occurring here.
The 16th is powerful as you are face to face with your growth and expansion desires involving the sex, divorce or financial resources while dealing with any personal or physical limitations, responsibilities, commitments, or endings. You may need to deal with how you present yourself, your body, image, brand, identity, or ego and make some adjustments to lead yourself forward towards your goals here. Mars/Pluto will help you take action through some strategic or behind the scenes move that helps you feel more secure or transform that home or property matter.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini occur on the 20th. This is huge for you with new beginnings via legal interests, media, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, education, foreign interest, and travel. You must eclipse something out here that is tied to your old perception of yourself or how you have talked, written, or dealt with agreements so that you can start fresh with this powerful new start. You have 2 strong weeks to book the flight, sign up for the class or start teaching, set up the foreign interest, get your media or marketing campaign going, publish, or get your legal matter underway. The Sun will illuminate your place in these matters for a full 30 days and you shine.
Mercury joins the group here on the 24th and at this point you will be getting your offers or making your decisions, signing contracts or writing the story, pitching ideas or taking the meeting, in talks or getting the news. Take note that on the 28/29th you hit a bit of a glitch or things may seem a bit out of whack as you have to step up and get into the mix with the trip, legalities, media, marketing, publishing, ceremony, or educational interest while making some intense adjustment regarding home, property, moves, real estate, family, or roommates.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of loans, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance needs, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, mortgages, a partner’s money, divorce, sexual attractions, dealing with sexual issues, or reproductive needs. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
Well May begins with quite the sonic boom for Scorpio because it’s not just a Full Moon in your sign but a SUPER FULL MOON and it clocks in on the 5th. This will be bringing some very big high point for you that is about a personal achievement or celebration or an ending. You may be coming to the end of a diet or work-out regime, ending one form of identity such as married or single, getting the recognition you have worked towards, achieving a big goal you set out on, or seeing your image or brand hit a high mark. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so there is news, talks or decisions about work, co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets and something serious in the mix regarding what is going on behind the scenes, on a Karmic/Fated level, with artistic energy or projects, spiritual pursuits, institutions, addictions, clandestine affairs, research, or investigations. It’s time to commit or end things, set limits or take on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and thoughts turn to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents between now and the 24th. This is your time to meet, talk, pitch ideas, sign agreements, get your writing out there or start writing projects, get more involved locally or through short trips to meet them, and when you will make some decisions about who is significant and what you want to do about it. You may get an offer coming in from one or more of these people as well.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and she will remain in the motion through June 27th. This period will reflect retracing feelings of love or take you back to past love interests through the playing field of sexuality, divorce and shared assets. You will be releasing the past or reconnecting to see if something can be worked out here. Income will also be colored by this energy so looking at how a divorce or the loan, debt, settlement, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or partner’s money will play into the picture is important now. You may want to redefine love/sex connections during this phase so look at what is intimate and what feels like love where you are now.
The 16th is powerful as you will be dealing with growth and expansion energy around a romantic or marriage partner, a business partner, an agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, while dealing with something limiting or restrictive going on in secret, behind closed doors, with a clandestine affair, film, music or art project, spiritual interest, hospital, addiction, or research project. Time, age, responsibilities, commitments, and endings may be part of what you have to look at as you make adjustments to move closer to what you want. Mars/Pluto are in the mix so you will have drive behind aspirations, socializing, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities that help you to form powerful decisions or ideas, or take you further in writing or agreements.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new start for you with a sexual attraction, dealing with sexual or reproductive issues, through divorce, or with the outside financial resources. You have to eclipse something out from these areas that is holding you back from the past so that you can have this bold fresh start. You have 2 weeks to initiate the next level and the Sun will keep you in the spotlight here so that you can shine for the next 30 days.
Mercury joins the party on the 24th bringing the decisions and ideas to point, news or offers coming in, meetings and talks about sex, divorce or finances, agreements on the table, and more local activity or short trips tied to these themes. Note that the 28/29th will put your decisions about sex, divorce or finances up against some powerful adjustment that must take place and it has to do with your mind, agreements, travel nearby or out locally, vehicle, siblings, neighbors, or negotiations skills. Be willing to bend a bit but know what you need.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of romantic or marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, dealing with competitors or opponents, finding balance, equitable relationships, and harmony. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
May brings a SUPER FULL MOON on the 5th that brings some high point to something you’ve been working on behind the scenes, with a film, music or art project, a spiritual interest, a clandestine affair, investigation, research project, or something dealing with a hospital or addiction. This is about celebrations and achievements here or about wrapping things up and endings. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so you will be in talks or hearing news, making a decision or signing agreements involving a lover or love interest, child, creative project, or recreational interest, and getting serious, setting limits, taking on more responsibility, committing long term to something, or ending something with a friend, group, internet interest, astrology, charity, or aspiration.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and your thoughts will turn to work, health and animals in the weeks ahead. From now through the 24th you can interview, audition, sign agreements, getting writing gigs, pitch ideas at work, get a new co-worker or employee, start a new job, sign up for the gym, get a trainer, start a diet, get a doctor’s advice, adopt a pet, or make decisions that take you forward in these areas.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th through June 27th and this period is going to be important for you. Venus rules love and income and women and she is taking you into the past through partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, and opponents. You can expect to be revisiting past people or situations here, releasing some current ones, and reworking any issues around love or money that you feel are in the way with these significant people or through their efforts. It’s important to revisit, reconnect or release now.
Your ruling energy is in aspect with another major outer body energy on the 16th and it is a big time for you to look at how growth, prosperity and expansion are going with your work, health or pets, while addressing any limits, responsibilities, burdens, commitments, or endings involving friends, a group, the internet, astrology, or charities. Something needs to be adjusted. Mars/Pluto in the mix means that you will have lots of motivation to go after a career agenda or goal, or deal with a boss or authority figure regarding income.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new beginning for you with partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, and any other significant person. First you have to eclipse something out from the past that is holding you back from making this fresh start. You have 2 strong weeks to take things to the next level with a romantic or marriage partner, a business partner, representative, opponent, or specialist, or to go out and make new contacts and start new relationships, all the while releasing the past situation, person or issue. The Sun will keep his spotlight on you in this for the next 30 days. It may be that one of these people in your life experiences a loss as something is eclipsed for them and you will know that this is about their new beginning and the way being cleared for that to happen.
Mercury moves into this part of your chart on the 24th and you will be ready to make announcements, decisions, sign contracts, write things up, pitch ideas, meet, talk, or get out there locally or through more short trips to make these relationships float. Take note that on the 28/29th there will be a need to deal with some big income issue here or you may have to spread yourself between making money and dealing with the partner, representative or competitor. Look for ways to empower, transform and make adjustments.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of work, organization, skill set, detailed efforts, analysis, services you want to offer, co-workers, employees, health, and pets/animal interests. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
A SUPER FULL MOON in your social arena on the 5th kicks off the month of May with a bang. This is about a high point with a friend, a party, social event, social networking matter, group affiliation or activity, internet project or interest, astrology, a charity, or one of your big aspirations in life. You will see celebrations and achievements here or mark endings and wrapping things up. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so you will be one on one with someone through talks, meetings, writing, agreements, or decisions that affect home, a move, real estate, family, or roommates, and serious matters on the career front, with direction, a goal, ambition, reputation, fame, or dealings with authority figures. It’s time to commit or end things, set limits or take on more responsilibity.
Mercury moves into fellow earth sign Taurus on the 9th and thoughts turn to true love, the kids, your creative projects and interests, recreational activities, and speculative interests. From now through the 24th you can meet, talk, write, or sign agreements involving these themes but when it comes to speculation keep it within the parameters of your safety zone. You may hear of a declaration of love or a proposal now, meet someone new who blows your socks off, get a creative offer or idea, or hear news about the children.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and she will be backtracking from now through June 27th. This means you are about to head back into past love or income matters that play out with women at work, past co-workers, employees, services, or around past income issues on the job. You will also be revisiting how your health and love intermingle, if you need to love yourself more and take care of any issues involving your body, if caring for another’s health issues is affecting love, how your income situation has stirred love in the past, and if you need to get back in touch with your love of a dog or cat or any other pet or animal interest. It’s a time to reconnect, rework and release in these areas. If you feel income flow slows during this phase at work look to past clients, co-workers, or places you hit in your routine to find it.
The 16th is big because two outer bodies are going to stir it up and this means you will be looking at growth and expansion, prosperity and happiness via your love interests, children and creative projects, while also looking at any limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings involving career, a boss, authority figure, or goal. You need to make an adjustment here. Mars/Pluto will gear you up to get active on some legal, travel, ceremonial, educational, media, marketing, or publishing matter today that will help transform or empower you.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new beginning for you on the work front, with a co-worker, employee, service, health matter, or animal interest but first you must eclipse something out from the past that could be holding you back from fresh starts. You have 2 strong weeks to launch new job searches, pitch new ideas on the job, hire new co-workers or employees, start the diet or work-out regime, or adopt the pet. The Sun will keep his spotlight on you in these areas for a full 30 days and help you shine as well as release the past.
Mercury moves into these arenas on the 24th and offers start coming in, you are signing contracts, pitching ideas, writing, in meetings, talks, and making decisions now about the job, work at home, organizational interests, skill set, co-workers, employees, services, details, health, and pets. Note that on the 28/29th you will need to deal with some kind of powerful adjustment involving yourself, your body, image, identity, name, brand, ego, or personal needs. Again it’s about empowering and transforming.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of true love, through lovers, in the pursuit of love, with children, in creative ventures or talents, speculation (within your safety zone), and recreational interests. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
It’s a SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio on the 5th that will have you feeling it as May begins Aquarius! This is a culmination of some major goal, a summit, a peak, with career matters, an ambitious project, a boss, authority figure, your reputation, fame, status, or your leadership abilities. You will be celebrating achievements or marking a big ending at this time as you wrap things up and prepare for what’s next. Mercury/Saturn are in the mix so talks, news, decisions, writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, sales, or ideas, and the legal, travel, distance, ceremony, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matter will color what is going on here. It’s time to commit, end things, set limits, or take on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and thoughts turn to home, a move, a real estate matter, roommate situation, or family issues in the days ahead. You have from now through the 24th to have the talks or make the decisions here, to sign agreements, write things up, or amp up the energy in the local scene or through short trips to make things happen.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and will remain in this backtracking motion through June 27th. This period will coincide with revisiting, issues, people, situations, and ideas about love, creative projects or kids. You may have a lover from the past return or a current one exit during this phase, or you could decide to pick back up on a creative venture that got derailed to see if it has merit now or some current creative outlet could slow down or end, and anything you wish to rework with the kids finds some light now. Check in to see if you are being loved in the way your evolving heart needs to receive it and if you are giving love from it’s highest place in these situations. Look at how your income is being affected by creative projects, lovers and children as well, it’s an incubation stage that can help you get a handle on understanding this so that when the energy goes forward you are ready to as well.
The 16th is a powerful day when you look at growth and expansion that is going on at home, with a move, real estate deal, or a roommate or family situation, while dealing with limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings occurring far away or with a long distance trip, legal actions or agreements, ceremonies, higher education, media, marketing, or publishing. You need to make an adjustment. Mars/Pluto join the energy giving you lots of energy to make something happen with the divorce or financial arrangement or it will fuel your passions sexually, see what you can put into play.
The Sun enters Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new beginning for you in true love, with kids or a creative project. You need to eclipse something out in one of these areas to have your fresh start and in the dual sign of Gemini it may be that you have more than one option you have been toying with, note that you really should make a choice at this point for the best forward growth. You have 2 strong weeks to put this into play and the Sun will keep his light on you for a full 30 days in the pursuit of love, time with kids or creative ventures so step up and lead your life forward here.
Mercury enters the same realm on the 24th and you will now begin to see offers coming in, agreements to sign, decisions to make, the talks and meetings pick up, and ideas coming to life involving your love life, lover, love interests, children, and creative projects or interests. Note that on the 28/29th you will see a high point in all of this regarding something that is going on in secret or behind the scenes, tied to a hospital or addiction, film, music or art interest, spiritual interest, research or investigation, or retreat and isolation. You will need to make some concessions or bend a bit in the way you are thinking or communicating about everything, possibly in the choices you are making.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of home, moves, real estate deals, dealing with early childhood issues, mom, family, roommates, and property. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
The SUPER FULL MOON in Scorpio on the 5th is going to be a huge high point for you involving a legal matter, ceremony, media or marketing interest, publishing deal, trip, import/export opportunity, foreign interest, religious belief, adventure, or educational interest. It’s the place of the higher mind reaching a culmination and a time when you will be celebrating achievements in these realms or marking endings tied to them. Mercury/Saturn join the festivities so talks, news or decisions involving your income or spending, possessions or values, will bring you face to face with someone over the bigger financial picture or outside financial resource, the sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need, divorce, or mortality matter. It’s time to commit, end things, set limits, or take on more responsibility.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 9th and you will see communications pick up greatly. This may mean that from now through the 24th you are fielding more offers, in more talks, meetings, dealing with some agreements, speaking roles, auditions, interviews, sales, pitches, writing projects, or decision making. You may also turn your attention to transportation issues, vehicles, short trips, more local activities, siblings, neighbors, or electronics.
Venus Retrogrades on the 15th and you begin a period from now through June 27th or revisiting the past love or income matters tied to your home, a move, real estate, family, roommates, and property interests. You may be releasing something here during this phase or reworking things so that you can move forward in July in a more secure fashion. You could see love withdraw from the home or return to the home, and income tied to home or property slow down giving you time to reinvent what you are doing here. Family or mom in particular could need your attention during this phase as some income or love issues return to be dealt with or there could be some withdrawal that is necessary at this point, same with the roommate situation. You need to ask yourself how any of these themes are affecting your ability to express and accept love in your life and what you can work on, going all the way back to your early childhood, so that you are free to embrace the love you deserve after this transit.
The 16th is powerful as you look at the growth and expansion you are feeling around your way of thinking, writing, expressing your ideas, and any agreements that are opening up your world, while dealing with limits, responsibilities, commitments, or endings tied to loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, divorce, sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, settlements, commissions, royalties, insurance, mortgages, taxes, or other financial resources. An adjustment is necessary. Mars/Pluto join the party so you will be motivated to make something happen with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, making changes or empowering yourself through the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity.
The Sun moves into Gemini and the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Gemini on the 20th. This is a huge new beginning for you but one that is based on eclipsing something out first. It is happening in the arena of home, moves, real estate, family, roommates, early childhood issues, and your sense of security or roots. Look to these areas for fresh starts and be willing to seal a chapter behind you. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate here and the Sun will illuminate your role in things for a full 30 days, shine on!
Mercury enters the picture on the 24th and you will now be able to make announcements about home, moves, family, roommates, or real estate, or get the talks, meetings, writing, agreements, and decision making moving ahead here. Note that on the 28/29th you will be dealing with this in some crazy way as you make a big adjustment involving the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or an aspiration of yours. Keep the lines of communications open, be willing to bend or negotiate, adapt and adjust, and step up to lead yourself forward as best you can.
This is the last full month of Jupiter in Taurus. He moves into Gemini on June 11th and won’t be back to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that does everything he can to open things up, give us growth opportunities, expand our world, plant the seeds of prosperity and happiness, and add some luck to the mix. Make sure that you take advantage of this last cosmic push for your sign in the areas of writing, the agreements you can sign, speaking roles, sales, talks and meetings, big ideas, decision making, local activities, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics. If you would like to schedule a private reading with Zoe to look deeper into what lies ahead, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call 818-613-6067
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258 Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/