Thursday, March 8, 2012

Beranda » , » Astrology of Now: Festival of Colours

Astrology of Now: Festival of Colours

Today is the gorgeous, anarchic, joyful Hindu Festival of Colour, Holi, which welcomes spring and all that goes with it. You ought to run around outside, splashing perfumed colours and smearing each other with wild hues.

It's the full moon, of course, in Virgo. The Moon at 18° is just past a conjunction with poor Mars (11°), who is still limping backwards for a few more weeks before he can turn around. Yesterday Mars was as close to the earth as he ever gets, so we're getting a lot of rather damaged Martian energy right now. (I can't help thinking of the massacres in Syria. At his best, Mars is a noble warrior; at his worst he is a murderer.)

I'll be interested to see what transpires when the 9° earth grand trine – Mars. Pluto, Jupiter – clicks into place next week, offering Mars a lot of moral support. On a personal level, I think that's likely to be very positive, but it on a mundane level, it could mean things go very smoothly for the bad guys. The planets are pretty amoral.

Aside from that, the most remarkable thing about this Full Moon is how few aspects it makes. There is a close inconjunct to the fertility asteroid Ceres currently in Aries, Mars's sign. Again this is not exactly auspicious, suggesting some kind of environmental unpleasantness. However, the rest of the chart is so nice, with a lovely Jupiter-Venus conjunction in earthy, fertile Taurus, that I think we can all celebrate Holi with gladness in our hearts and a handful of hot pink in our hands.

Meanwhile take a dekko at this for some manic Holi energy.