Friday, July 1, 2011

Beranda » , » Monthly Horoscopes: July 2011

Monthly Horoscopes: July 2011

Every cloud has a silver lining -
or possibly some putti nestling in it. These are by Tiepolo.
Well, you have to admit it's been rather a tense June. I hope you've managed to navigate through reasonably unscathed. Today's eclipse is a humdinger. It's only partial - thank goodness - but it manages to slot right in opposite the planet of "transformation" (in the sense of whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger) Pluto, at right-angles to the planet of the big chill, Saturn and I-want-to-break-free Uranus.

It’s as if they are all having a shouting match and we, little people, are stuck in the middle.

But you know this already. If you haven’t experienced something coming to an abrupt halt in your life this month, then surely people around you have. (I have a friend whose long period of unemployment came to a stop on the mid-June eclipse - thank goodness.)

Some of us have been counting our lucky stars as we watch death, divorce and bad temper take their toll. If you’re solvent, sane and healthy – count your blessings. If you’re beloved too – then please stop complaining; a lot of people today are having some serious problems.

This month I want to focus on alleviation in the horoscopes. These are tough times and all of us need all the help we can get, so I’m hunting for the silver lining, because the storm clouds are overhead.

The trine on the 7th between Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn gives a clue about what all of us should be doing: getting right down to the practical basics.

Click here to find out how your sign can take advantage of the bumpy zeitgeist.