Monday, February 28, 2011

Beranda » , » March Horoscopes

March Horoscopes

Purple and yellow crocuses have raised their heads on my wet lawn. Snowdrops are still nodding in the borders and the fleshy leaves of daffodils and tulips promise more spring flowers.

I’m just back from Istanbul, where, to my surprise, nature seems poised at the just the same point as it is here, ready to gallop into the new season.

I try  to use this time of year, when the Sun is in Pisces the Zodiac's final sign, to look back at the previous 12 months and see what I’ve learned, what I’ve lost and what I’ve gained. 

For all of us, this should be a time of contemplation before the world blasts into Aries on March 21, but frankly it does not all seem to be sweetness. Uranus, the planet of change is punching his way into Aries on the 12th to begin a six-year tour of the sign of war and fresh starts.

And to underline that theme, those two old gods, Jupiter and Saturn, will face off across the signs of war (Aries) and peace (Libra) at the end of the month.

For this month's horoscopes I've focused on Uranus because you should all be preparing for change in some area of you life and it's better to welcome it than to fight it.

As usual,  you should read your rising sign too if you know it. And remember, this is the broadest possible view of how Uranus will affect you, if you'd like a more in depth analysis, click here to get in touch.

To read your March horoscope, click here.