Thursday, September 2, 2010

Beranda » , , » Why I love Mercury retrograde

Why I love Mercury retrograde

Yes - it's that time again. Mercury is retrograde, so astrologers say don't put anything in the post, don't sign contracts, don't buy computers, don't make plans bla bla bla. If you paid attention to that you'd be spending about a fifth of your year sitting on your hands waiting for flying boy to start going in the right direction again.

In my experience every Mercury retrograde is different, and it's a big opportunity to press the pause button in one area of your life and assess what's going on.

If you know which house Merc is passing through, you will find that details in that area of your life do need reviewing. For example, this retrograde is in my second house of money - and yes, I have already had to rewrite a check, redo a standing order and in the first week of the retro I managed to entirely cease to spend any money (if only that had lasted). I'm going to sit down this week and do a thorough review of my income and expenditure - because that is what I am being asked to do.

Mercury is in Virgo, which is an especially practical and detail-oriented sign, so take note. If you know where Virgo is in your chart, see how this retrograde is working for you.

Right now, five other planets are going backwards at the same time as the little fella so the retro-momentum is even stronger than usual - and I'd suggest to everyone that this is a very good time to review what happened to you this summer.

We've just been through a portal - the Cardinal Climax - that's the entry into the next phase of all or our lives. Some of us will have made decisions lately that seemed trivial but in the long run will turn out to be life changing. Take the time to think about it now - because later this year we may be in for a bumpy ride.